OSNMP.CONF statement syntax

The configuration file is required when sending requests to the SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 nodes in your network. The configuration file can also be used to send SNMPv1 requests.

The syntax of a statement in the configuration file is:
winSNMPname targetAgent admin secName password context secLevel 
authProto authKey privProto privKey NOSVIPA

Field definitions

An administrative name that the snmp command uses to locate an entry in the configuration file. There is no default value. This field is specified on the -h option (maximum 32 characters).
Host name or IP address (IPv4 dotted decimal or IPv6 colon hexadecimal) of the node of the target agent (maximum 80 characters). There is no default value. To direct the command to a port other than 161, specify host..port# (with two periods between the host and port number). For example, for port 222 at mvs150, specify mvs150..222. Port number, if specified, must be in the range of 1 to 65535. If the host is specified by a host name or an IPv4 dotted decimal address and a port number is also specified, a colon (:) can be used to separate the two values instead of two periods.
Specifies the administrative model supported by the targetAgent. Valid values are:
  • snmpv1 - Community-based SNMPV1 security
  • snmpv2c - Community-based SNMPV2 security
  • snmpv3 - User-based SNMPV3 security
There is no default value.
Specifies the security name of the principal using this configuration file entry. For user-based security, this is the userName. The user must be defined at the targetAgent. This field is ignored unless snmpv3 is specified for the admin keyword. A valid value is a user name of 1–32 characters. There is no default.
Specifies the password to be used in generating the authentication and privacy keys for this user. If a password is specified, it is used to automatically generate any needed keys and the "authKey" and "privKey" fields below are ignored. This field is ignored unless snmpv3 is specified for the admin keyword. If no password is desired, set field to a single dash (-). (The minimum is eight characters, and the maximum is 64 characters.)

Guideline: You should not use the password instead of keys in this configuration file, because using keys is more secure than storing passwords in this file.

The SNMP contextName to be used at the target agent. The contextName is needed only at agents that support multiple contexts; otherwise, the only context supported is the null context, which is the default value of this keyword. The z/OS® Communications Server SNMP agent does not support multiple contexts. This field is ignored unless snmpv3 is specified for the admin keyword. If the blank "" context selector is desired, set this field to a single dash (-). (The maximum is 32 characters).
Specifies the security level to be used in communicating with the target SNMP agent when this entry is used. This field is ignored unless snmpv3 is specified for the admin keyword. Valid values are noAuthNoPriv or none to indicate that no authentication or privacy is requested; AuthNoPriv or auth to indicate that authentication is requested but privacy is not requested; AuthPriv or priv to indicate that both authentication and privacy are requested; or a dash (-) to indicate the default value (noAuthNoPriv).
SNMP authentication protocol to be used in communicating with the target SNMP agent when this entry is used. This field is ignored unless snmpv3 is specified for the admin keyword. The following values are valid:
  • HMAC-MD5
  • dash (-). Indicates no authentication.
Specifies the SNMP authentication key to be used in communicating with the target SNMP agent when this entry is used. This key must be the nonlocalized key. This field is ignored if the password keyword is used. This field is ignored unless snmpv3 is specified for the admin keyword and a nondefault value is specified for authProto. Valid values are 16 bytes (32 hex digits) when authProto is HMAC-MD5 and 20 bytes (40 hex digits) when authProto is HMAC-SHA. A dash (-) indicates the default value, which is no key.
Specifies the SNMP privacy protocol to be used in communicating with the target SNMP agent when this entry is used. This field is ignored unless snmpv3 is specified for the admin keyword. Start of changeThe following values are valid:End of changeStart of change
Indicates CBC-DES.
Indicates AES 128-bit CFB mode.
dash (-)
Indicates the default value, which is no privacy.
End of change
Requirement: Start of changeFor the AES privacy protocol, ICSF must be active. For detailed information about configuring ICSF, see z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Administrator's Guide.End of change
Specifies the SNMP privacy key to be used in communicating with the target SNMP agent when this entry is used. This key must be the nonlocalized key. This field is ignored if the password keyword is used. The privacy and authentication keys are assumed to have been generated using the same authentication protocol (for example, both with HMAC-MD5 or both with HMAC-SHA). This field is ignored unless snmpv3 is specified for the admin keyword and a nondefault value is specified for privProto. Valid values are 16 bytes (32 hex digits) when authProto is HMAC-MD5, 20 bytes (40 hex digits) when authProto is HMAC-SHA, or a dash (-) to indicate the default value (no key).
The NOSVIPA keyword is an optional value. If specified, it indicates the osnmp command should cause physical interface addresses to be used as the originating address in packets sent by the osnmp command to this host. NOSVIPA is disabled by default, meaning that SOURCE VIPA addresses can be used. If specified, NOSVIPA must be either the fourth parameter (for community-based security) or the twelfth parameter (for user-based security).

Statement syntax rules

  • All parameters for an entry must be contained on one line in the configuration file.
  • A dash (-) indicates the default value for a keyword.
  • Sequence numbers are not allowed on the statements.
  • Comments begin with a # character in column 1.
  • The secName and password parameters are case sensitive.
  • The pwtokey command can be used to generate the authentication and privacy keys. For information about the pwtokey command, see z/OS Communications Server: IP System Administrator's Commands.
  • Because the osnmp command supports both issuance of SNMP requests and receipt of SNMP traps, the entries in the OSNMP.CONF file must be defined for both uses. Multiple entries for the same USM user are allowed within the file. This can be useful when defining different security levels for the same user. If multiple entries for the same USM user are defined, be aware that only the first one in the file can be used for receiving notifications. If multiple entries for the same USM user are defined and the user receives notifications, the definition with the highest (most stringent) securityLevel should be defined first. Doing so allows the user to be used for any level of security equal to or lower (less stringent) than the securityLevel defined.
Restriction: You cannot specify scope information about any values in the OSNMP.CONF file that represent IP addresses or host names.