z/OS Communications Server: IP Network Print Facility
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Checklist of the NPF tasks for VTAM users

z/OS Communications Server: IP Network Print Facility

  • Establish consistent definition of resources.
    • Set up an APPL definition for each logical printer name. Define each of the logical printer (SLU) names to VTAM® by an APPL definition statement in an application major node definition.

      See the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Reference.

    • In the partner LU, set up definitions for each logical printer (SLU) name. For CICS®, a specific requirement is that you specify NO for the QUERY keyword on the TYPETERM macro.

      See IMS™ or CICS publications relating to resource definition.

    • Build the routing file to make the connection between the logical printer names and the LUCLASS numbers. See Routing file input fields.
  • Run nonswappable. Add a Network Print Facility entry for the VTAM application, EZAPPAAA, in the MVS™ program properties table (PPT). The EZAPPAAA entry must be specified as: PPT PGMNAME(EZAPPAAA)
    Note: PPT entries in the SCHEDxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB are no longer required. They are supplied in the default PPT table via load module IEFSDPPT.
  • Estimate the appropriate region size for the job to start the Network Print Facility. The size depends on the maximum number of output files in progress at any given time, the number of logical printers, and the number of sessions.
  • Set up the JCL to run the Network Print Facility for the VTAM capture point. There are four major types of information that this JCL must specify:
    1. On the EXEC statement, code PGM=EZAPPAAA to identify the program to be started.
    2. Also on the EXEC statement, code the PARM parameter with the LUCLASS subparameter to specify one or more LU class numbers with values from 1 to 64 and the REGION and MAXFLSTG parameters to accommodate your below-the-line storage estimates.
    3. Code DD statements for the routing, options, queue, and log files. The ddnames must be coded exactly as shown in the VTAM start sample. The system administrator can choose the data set names.
    4. On the JOB statement, code TIME=1440 or TIME=NOLIMIT to prevent MVS from terminating the application because of its running time.

      See Starting the NPF VTAM capture point.

  • For end-of-file processing:
    1. Evaluate if IBM's default end-of-file rule is sufficient for your installation. See Defining end-of-file rules.
    2. If necessary, use the EZAPPEFM macro to modify the end-of-file rules table (EZAPPEFT), assemble and link-edit it into a STEPLIB available to the NPF VTAM application or the link list. See Defining end-of-file rules.
    3. Specify the optional end-of-file rules table entry name in the SLU's routing file record. Several SLUs can share the same table entry. The Network Print Facility uses DFLTNTRY if you do not specify an entry name. See EZAPPFL TYPE=ROUTING.
  • For page format processing:
    1. Evaluate if IBM's default page format is sufficient for your installation. See EZAPPDPF.
    2. If necessary, use the EZAPPDPF macro to create the page format table (EZAPPPFT), assemble and link-edit it into a STEPLIB available to the NPF VTAM application. See EZAPPDPF.
    3. Specify the optional page format table entry name in SLU's the routing file record. Several SLUs can share the same default page format. The Network Print Facility does not require any specification. See EZAPPFL TYPE=ROUTING.
    4. Dynamically replace the page format table, using the RELOAD command. See RELOAD: Dynamically replacing a table.
  • Start the VTAM capture point. See Starting the NPF VTAM capture point.
  • Tune the VTAM capture point application by adjusting the limits you specify in the start procedure. See the Tuning note in Creating a startup procedure.

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