Determining which documents to use when migrating

This table helps you determine which documents to use as you migrate.
Table 1. Comparing documents used in migration
Document name Descriptions
z/OS Planning for Installation This document helps you prepare to install z/OS® by giving you information that you need to write an installation plan. To install means to perform the tasks necessary to make the system operational, starting with a decision to either install for the first time or upgrade, and ending when the system is ready for production. An installation plan is a record of the actions you need to take to install z/OS.

Recommendation: It is recommended that you read this document.

Use this document as you prepare to install z/OS.

z/OS Migration This document describes how to migrate (convert) from release to release. After a successful migration, the applications and resources on your new z/OS system will function the same way they did previously.

Use this document as a reference in keeping all z/OS applications working as they did in previous releases.

z/OS Introduction and Release Guide This document provides an overview of z/OS and lists the enhancements in each release.

Use this document to determine whether to obtain a new release and to decide which new functions to implement.

z/OS Summary of Message and Interface Changes This document describes the changes to interfaces for individual elements and features of z/OS.

Use this document as a reference to the new and changed commands, macros, panels, exit routines, data areas, messages, and other interfaces of individual elements and features of z/OS.

z/OS Communications Server: New Function Summary This document includes function summary topics to describe all the functional enhancements for the IP and SNA components of Communications Server, including task tables that identify the actions necessary to exploit new function.

Use this document as a reference to using all the enhancements of z/OS Communications Server.

For an overview and map of the documentation available for z/OS, see the z/OS Information Roadmap.