IP encryption features

Encryption features are available for IP at no additional cost. Communications Server Security Level 3 is an optional unpriced feature and must be ordered.

The encryption features include these capabilities:
Level 1
This level of encryption is included in the base of z/OS® V2R1 Communications Server.
Level 2
This level of encryption is included in the base of z/OS V2R1 Communications Server and offers IP security protocol (IPSec) DES and SNMPv3 56-bit DES.
Level 3
This level of encryption is included in the Communications Server Security Level 3 optional unpriced feature and offers IPSec Triple Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). AES includes the AES cipher-block chaining (AES-CBC) and AES Galois Counter (AES-GCM) modes.