gxlhxosr.h (GXLYXOSR) - mapping of the OSR control area

This structure describes the area that is passed in to and back from the gxlpControl (GXL1CTL/GXL4CTL) service through the ctl_data_p parameter. It should be used to map this area when the caller is loading an OSR for a validating parse by specifying the *XEC_CTL_LOAD_OSR value for the ctl_operation (ctl_option) parameter.

This structure holds the address of a buffer that contains the OSR, plus an optional name string that will be associated with the OSR. This name is currently optional, but it is recommended that every different OSR loaded be given a unique name. This can be useful for problem determination purposes in the event of an error. This structure also contains the address of a fullword area in which the parser will place a pointer to the extended diagnostic area. This is the area that is mapped by gxlhxd.h (GXLYXD).

See the description of the ctl_data_p parameter in gxlpControl — perform a parser control function, or the ctl_data parameter in GXL1CTL (GXL4CTL) — perform a parser control function for more details about the use of this structure.