Usage notes

One or more schemas may be processed by the xsdosrg command into a single optimized schema representation. Multiple schema names may be specified either directly on the command line or using the file list operand with the -l option. Use either the input file operand or the list option to specify a list of schemas to process. Do not use both methods on the same command invocation.

This command provides a simplified interface to the OSR generation utility. See gxluGenOSR — generate an Optimized Schema Representation (OSR), which allows greater control over the behavior of the generation process and the characteristics of the generated OSR.

The codepage of the text contained in the list file for the -l option is managed in the same way as any other z/OS® UNIX System Services command (for example, cp). The localization variables above and file tags may be used to set the proper code page so that file names can be handled properly.

This command is for 31 bit only. For 64 bit, use gxluInitOSRG — initialize an OSR generator instance.