SMP/E for z/OS User's Guide
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Researching the APPLY CHECK reports

SMP/E for z/OS User's Guide

As a result of running the APPLY CHECK job, SMP/E produces various messages and reports that you should now use to do further research. Here are some of the errors that might have been detected:
  • Some DD statements might be missing. Check the program directory or SMP/E for z/OS Reference to determine why they are required and how they should be specified.
  • Some APAR fixes or USERMODs might be regressed. If so, you must determine why. For APAR fixes, you have to get the version of the APAR fix applicable to the new product. For USERMODs, you have to rework the modification to make it applicable to the new function, or eliminate the modification if the product being installed provides the same function. When doing the actual APPLY operation, you may need to specify the BYPASS operand to inform SMP/E that you have resolved these problems.
  • Some prerequisite or requisite PTFs might be missing. If so, you should determine whether they can be obtained. Some may already be on an ESO tape you have in-house but have not received; others may not have been shipped, in which case you have to get an early copy of them by contacting the IBM® Support Center. Although you can also avoid these conditions by using the BYPASS operand, you are advised not to do this because the regressions have not been resolved.
    Note: Obtaining a product in a CBPDO greatly reduces the amount of work needed to find requisite PTFs, because CBPDOs include all the service for products applicable to the selected SREL.
  • Some elements might not have been selected for installation. For each such element, if the current functional owner (that is, FMID) is an IBM product, there may not be a problem; this condition is common and occurs because there are multiple functions with common elements. Check the program directory or installation guide for the product you are installing to determine whether this condition is normal or if it indicates a problem.

    If the FMID is not one for an IBM product, further research is necessary. Contact the current owner of the element to determine how that product is related to the one you are installing.

  • Some of the PTFs might not have been selected for installation because of exception SYSMOD conditions identified by the ++HOLD MCSs. When installing a new function, you may want to research these PTFs further. You can use the reason ID and the comments specified in the ++HOLD MCS to determine which of the following actions is most appropriate:
    • Bypass the condition using the BYPASS(HOLDERR) operand
    • Do not install the PTF
    • Obtain a fix for the APAR

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