Example 1: Defining a TARGETZONE entry

Assume that you are about to build a new set of target libraries and thus want to define a new target zone named TGT2. The distribution zone that you have done the system generation from is DLIB1, the OPTIONS entry that will be set up will be called OPTTGT2, and the target zone will contain MVS™ (Z038) and two additional programs, each with its own SREL value (P010 and R020). The target zone will exist in data set SMPE.SMPCSI.CSI. Use the following UCLIN to define the new zone.
SET      BDY(GLOBAL)        /* Set to global zone.      */.
UCLIN                       /* UCLIN for GZONE entry    */.
ADD      GZONE              /* to set up                */
         ZONEINDEX(         /* index for new zone.      */
                   (TGT2,SMPE.SMPCSI.CSI,TARGET) /*     */
                  )         /*                          */
                            /*                          */.
ENDUCL                      /* End global zone update.  */.
SET      BDY(TGT2)          /* Now define new zone.     */.
UCLIN                       /* UCLIN to define it.      */.
ADD      TARGETZONE(TGT2)   /* Identify name.           */
         OPTIONS(OPTTGT2)   /* OPTIONS entry to use.    */
         SREL(Z038,         /* SRELs for MVS and        */
              P010,         /* two other                */
              R020)         /* programs.                */
         RELATED(DLIB1)     /* Generated from DLIB.     */
                            /*                          */.
ENDUCL                      /*                          */.
Note: Even though the OPTIONS entry has not been set up yet, you can still refer to it in the TARGETZONE entry. Prior to processing this target zone the OPTIONS entry must be created. For examples of setting up the OPTIONS entries, see OPTIONS entry (global zone).