Sample GIMEXITS member

The following is a sample GIMEXITS member. The member is named named GIMEXITS and is shipped with SMP/E in the SAMPLIB target library.
Figure 1. Sample GIMEXITS member provided in SAMPLIB
*                                                                     *
*  Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                               *
*  5650-ZOS 5655-G44                                                  *
*  (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2013                                 *
*                                                                     *
*                                                                     *
*  GIMEXITS -- Sample GIMEXITS member for the SMPPARM data set        *
*                                                                     *

  This sample member is a model to assist the SMP/E user in constructing
  a GIMEXITS member specifically for their use.  A user should copy this
  sample into the GIMEXITS member of a data set.  That data set is then
  defined to SMP/E using the SMPPARM ddname either using a DD statement
  in the SMP/E job, or using a DDDEF entry.

  The GIMEXITS member contains information used to identify the exit
  routines which are to get control during SMP/E processing at specific
  exit points:

  RECEIVE  The RECEIVE exit point allows you to scan statements in the
           SMPPTFIN data set during RECEIVE command execution.

  RETRY    The RETRY exit point enables you to control SMP/E's RETRY
           processing when a data set runs out of space during APPLY,
           ACCEPT, RESTORE, and LINK command execution.

  See the "SMP/E Reference for details on the syntax of the control
  statements and on the use of member GIMEXITS.

*                                                                     *
* CHANGE_ACTIVITY                                                     *
*                                                                     *
* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* FLAG REASON  RELEASE   DATE   ORG  DESCRIPTION                      *
* ---- ------- ------- -------- ---  -------------------------------- *
* $L0= ACE2900  29.00  03/12/99 KJQ: ALTERNATE CUSTOMIZATION          *
*                                                                     *
*   CHANGE FLAG KEY: M@PNC                                            *
*   WHERE:                                                            *
*                                                                     *
* M= MULTIPLE    P= DCRS = D,E,F,G    N= 0-9,A-Z     C= A = ADD       *
*    FOR DELETE     RMPS = H,I,J,K    (USE '0' ONLY     C = CHANGE    *
*    FLAGS ONLY     LINE = L,M,N,O     WHEN ELEMENT     P = COPY      *
*                   PTMS = P,Q,R,S     IS BEING         M = MOVE      *
*                   APARS = 0-9        CREATED)         D = DELETE    *

            Define exit routine MYRECEX in data set SMPE.EXITS.LOAD
            to get control during SMP/E RECEIVE command processing.

            Define exit routine MYRTYEX in data set SMPE.EXITS.LOAD
            to get control during SMP/E RETRY processing.