The SMPPUNCH data set contains output from various SMP/E commands. This output generally consists of commands or control statements.
  • For BUILDMCS, it contains the complete superseding function SYSMODs.
  • For GENERATE, it contains a job stream for building target libraries.
  • For REPORT CROSSZONE, it contains commands for installing cross-zone requisites.
  • For REPORT ERRSYSMODS, it contains commands for installing SYSMODs that resolve the error hold reason IDs for exception SYSMODs.
  • For REPORT SOURCEID, it contains commands for listing SYSMODs associated with the source IDs that were found in the specified zones.
  • For REPORT SYSMODS, it contains commands for installing SYSMODs from the input zone that are applicable to the comparison zone.
  • For UNLOAD, it contains UCLIN statements for recreating the entries that were unloaded.
Sequential; LRECL=80, BLKSIZE=multiple of 80, RECFM=FB, DISP=MOD.
Card, tape, or direct access.
  1. BLKSIZE must not exceed 32760.
  2. If SMPPUNCH is allocated to a data set, the disposition must be MOD, because SMP/E opens and closes the SMPPUNCH DD statement at each SET command. If the disposition is SHR or OLD, SMPPUNCH contains only the output from the last set of commands processed before the end of SMP/E processing.
  3. For the UNLOAD command, SMPPUNCH should be allocated to a direct access data set or to tape, because the volume of output is large. You may also want a large BLKSIZE; the larger the BLKSIZE, the fewer the times SMP/E must do I/O.
  4. This data set may reside in a UNIX file system. Specify FILEDATA=TEXT and PATHOPTS(OWRONLY,OAPPEND) on the DD statement for this data set, if it is to reside in a UNIX file system. If OAPPEND is not specified, SMPPUNCH contains only the output from the last set of commands processed before the end of SMP/E processing.