The SMPLIST data set contains the output of all LIST commands.
Sequential; LRECL=121, BLKSIZE=multiple of 121, RECFM=FBA, DISP=MOD.
SYSOUT, printer, direct access, tape, or terminal.
  1. BLKSIZE must not exceed 32760.
  2. If SMPLIST is not defined, all LIST output goes to the SMPOUT data set.
  3. If SMPLIST is allocated to a data set, the disposition must be MOD, because SMP/E opens and closes the SMPLIST DD statement at each SET command. If the disposition is SHR or OLD, SMPLIST contains only the output from the last set of commands processed before the end of SMP/E processing.
  4. This data set may reside in a UNIX file system. Specify FILEDATA=TEXT and PATHOPTS(OWRONLY,OAPPEND) on the DD statement for this data set, if it is to reside in a UNIX file system. If OAPPEND is not specified, SMPLIST contains only the output from the last set of commands processed before the end of SMP/E processing.