Contains package control statements used as input to the GIMZIP and GIMUNZIP service routines.
Sequential or a member of a partitioned data set; LRECL=80
Direct access or SYSIN file.
  1. SYSIN can be defined to GIMZIP and GIMUNZIP only with a DD statement.
  2. The size of the input data set will vary depending on how you intend to manage it.
  3. You are responsible for managing the contents and space of the input data set.
  4. This data set may reside in a UNIX file system. Specify PATHOPTS(ORDONLY) and either FILEDATA=TEXT or FILEDATA=BINARY on the DD statement if it is to reside in a UNIX file system. For simplicity, FILEDATA=TEXT is preferred, and ensure the newline character (X'15') marks the end of each line. If you use FILEDATA=BINARY, you must ensure that each line is padded with blanks to the 80-byte record length because there is no end of record marker in binary data.