C0 - Continuation record type 0

One Continuation Record Type 0 (C0) is created for each delta produced by the results of APPLY or RESTORE processing when spill processing has occurred. The purpose of the C0 record is to uniquely identify the continuation of a set of library change records.

The format and contents of this record type are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Continuation record type 0
Field name Position (decimal) Length (decimal) Description
Record type 1 2 The characters C0.
Target zone 3 7 The target zone name that was operated on by the APPLY or RESTORE command. It is left-justified and padded with blanks.
Time stamp 10 13 The date and time that APPLY or RESTORE processing completed for the entire delta. This field is in the form yyyydddhhmmss, where:

Time is represented in 24-hour clock format (military time). The time value matches the time value in the T0 record and is the time that the GIM20501I message is issued for the associated APPLY or RESTORE command.

ERROR count 23 6 The character representation of the count of SYSMODs applied or restored in error. The data is padded on the left with character zeroes (0).
INCMPLT count 29 6 The character representation of the count of SYSMODs left with a status of INCMPLT by the APPLY or RESTORE. The data is padded on the left with character zeroes (0).
APPLIED or RESTORED count 35 6 The character representation of the count of SYSMODs with a status of APPLIED or RESTORED. The data is padded on the left with character zeroes (0).
DELETED count 41 6 The character representation of the count of SYSMODs with a status of DELETED. The data is padded on the left with character zeroes (0).
SUPD count 47 6 The character representation of the count of SYSMODs with a status of SUPD. The data is padded on the left with character zeroes (0).
For example, suppose that a delta is produced for target zone TZONEA on January 16, 2008 at 9:57:22 AM. During this execution of SMP/E, two SYSMODs were applied in error, one SYSMOD was left incomplete, 123 SYSMODs were applied successfully, seven SYSMODs were deleted, and three SYSMODs were superseded. Figure 1 shows the C0 records created that for delta:
Figure 1. Example of continuation record type 0
         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8
C0TZONEA 2008016095722000002000001000123000007000003