z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and Reference
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Terminal and function keys

z/OS ISPF Dialog Developer's Guide and Reference

Table 1. System variables: Terminal and function keys
Name Pool Type Len Description
ZCOLORS shr non  4 Number of colors supported by the terminal type (either 1 or 7)
ZDBCS shr non  3 DBCS terminal capability (YES or NO)
ZFKA prof non  8 Current state of the function key area form (LONG, SHORT, OFF (no display))
ZGE shr non  3 Terminal support for graphic escape order:
graphic escape is supported
graphic escape is not supported
Note: If you are running in GUI mode, ZGE will be set to NO.
ZHILITE shr non  3 Extended highlighting availability (YES or NO)
ZIPADDR shr non 15 TCP/IP address of the currently connected TN3270 workstation. Entering the TERMSTAT QUERY option of the ENVIRON command will refresh the value. (Contains FFF.FFF.FFF.FFF on IPV6 systems.)
ZIPADD6 shr non 39 IPV6 address of the currently connected TN3270 workstation. Contains blanks on IPV4 systems. Entering the TERMSTAT QUERY option of the ENVIRON command will refresh the value.
ZIPPORT shr non  4 TCP/IP port number of the currently connected TN3270 workstation. Entering the TERMSTAT QUERY option of the ENVIRON command will refresh the value.
ZLUNAME shr non  8 VTAM® LU name of the current TSO session. Entering a TERMSTAT QUERY command will refresh the value.
ZKEYS prof out  4 Number of Function keys
ZKLAPPL shr non  4 If KEYLIST is ON and it is a panel with the )PANEL statement, this contains the application id where the current keylist came from.
ZKLNAME shr non  8 If KEYLIST is ON and it is a panel with the )PANEL statement, this contains the name of the current keylist.
ZKLTYPE shr non  1 If KEYLIST is ON and it is a panel with the )PANEL statement, this contains either P (for Private) or S (for Shared) for the current keylist.
ZKLUSE prof i/o  1 If KEYLIST is ON this contains Y, if it is OFF, it contains an N.
ZPFCTL prof i/o  5 User authorization to use PFSHOW command
  • USER—User controls function key display with PFSHOW command
  • ON—Display function key definitions on all panels
  • OFF—Do not display function key definitions
ZPFFMT prof i/o  4 Number of Function key definitions displayed per line
  • SIX—Always display six keys per line
  • MAX—Display as many keys as will fit on each line
ZPFSET prof i/o  4 Function key definition set displayed
  • PRI—Primary set (1-12)
  • ALT—Alternate set (13-24)
  • ALL—All keys (1-24)
ZPFSHOW prof out  4 PFSHOW command status
ZPFxx prof i/o 255 Setting for Function keys:

ZPF13-ZPF24 contain settings for the primary keys (for 12-key terminals: physical keys 1-12; for 24-key terminals: physical keys 13-24)

ZPF01-ZPF12 contain settings for the alternate keys (for 24-key terminals only: physical keys 1-12)

The maximum length is 255.

ZPFLxx prof i/o  8 Setting for Function key labels:

ZPFL13-ZPFL24 contain labels for the primary keys

ZPFL01-ZPFL12 contain labels for the alternate keys

ZPRIKEYS prof i/o  4 Indicates the set of Function keys that will be the primary keys
  • LOW—1 to 12 are primary keys
  • UPP—13 to 24 are primary keys
ZSCREEN shr non  1 Logical screen number up to 32 screens (1-9, A-W)
ZSCREEND shr non  4 Screen depth available for dialog use. In batch mode, this variable is set by the value specified for BATSCRD on the ISPSTART call.
ZSCREENW shr non  4 Screen width available for dialog use. In batch mode this variable is set by the value specified for BATSCRW on the ISPSTART call.

ZSCREEND and ZSCREENW are generally the dimensions of the physical display screen. There are two exceptions:

  1. On a 3290, if a dialog is executing on a display with a width of 160 characters and the user does a vertical split, then ZSCREENW is 80.
  2. On a 3278 model 5, if a user has specified SCREEN FORMAT IS STD, then ZSCREENW is 80 and ZSCREEND is 24, rather than the maximum physical size of 132 by 27.
ZSCRMAXD shr non  4 Maximum screen depth available for dialog use. In batch mode, this variable is set by the value specified for BATSCRD on the ISPSTART call.
ZSCRMAXW shr non  4 Maximum screen width available for dialog use. In batch mode, this variable is set by the value specified for BATSCRW on the ISPSTART call.

ZSCRMAXD and ZSCRMAXW are identical to ZSCREEND and ZSCREENW, except for terminals on which an alternate size is available. In that case, ZSCRMAXD and ZSCRMAXW contain the screen configuration size that produces the largest screen.

For the 3290, these variables contain sizes of the hardware partition on which ISPF is operating.

ZSPLIT shr non  3 Split-screen mode in effect (YES or NO)
ZSWPBR prof non  1 List of logical screens displayed at bottom of screen.

Has a value of Y if the SWAPBAR feature is turned on. If ZSWPBAR is not present, or does not have a value of Y then when ISPF is entered, SWAPBAR is not automatically started.

ZTERM prof out  8 Terminal type as defined by option 0

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