Trunk the two cabinets together

We will now connect the two cabinets back-to-back using a permanent trunk.

  1. Edit the processor zone cabinet by either selecting Edit --> Cabinet and choosing the cabinet from the list or by double-clicking on the cabinet in the diagram. This opens the Cabinet dialog.
  2. Add a panel by clicking "Add" in the panel section. This opens the Add Panels dialog. Add a panel with seven rows and columns for the requested panel.
  3. Click the "Front" radio button in the View section of the Cabinet dialog. Select 7 patchports and click "Connect". This opens the Select Connection Target(s) dialog.
  4. In the list box, double - click on the back-marked central cabinet. This expands the list, showing the backs of all patchports in that cabinet.
    This figure shows the appropriate HCM dialog. How to complete this dialog is described in this scenario.
  5. Select the first patchport , C3A1.
  6. Check Connect all 7 interfaces.
  7. Select Anonymous Trunk and click Physical Only….

    The first 7 patchports of the two cabinets have now been trunked together.