Listing devices for an esoteric

Select an esoteric and press the I/O Devices... button in the Operating System Configurations dialog. The List Devices for Esoteric dialog appears, allowing you to examine the devices defined for the selected esoteric. List box entries may be either a single device or range of devices. Range entries use the format XXXX, YY, where XXXX is the first device number and YY indicates the number of devices in the range. Double-click on a range with a plus (+) sign to expand it to display each device on its own line. This allows you to delete some but not all of the devices in the range. Double-click on a range with a minus (-) sign to collapse it.

Figure 1. List Devices for Esoteric dialog
List Devices for Esoteric dialog. This dialog is accessible from the HCM product and includes accessible help information.