Version checking: using an old HCD version

HCM users can connect to an MCF-enabled configuration on a host running an HCD version without MCF support. An MCF-capable HCM detects this version mismatch and alerts the user.

Scenario: Connecting to an MCF-enabled configuration using an HCD version earlier than z/OS 1.9 

- A user accesses an MCF-enabled configuration in connected mode, using an HCM
  version with MCF capability to connect to an IODF on an HCD version earlier
  than z/OS 1.9
- Result: HCM displays a message:
  “The configuration you are opening indicates that an associated master
  configuration file (MCF) on the host is expected. HCM cannot use
  (or even verify the existance of) the MCF because the HCD (host) version used
  does not yet support MCFs. Physical modifications (i.e., non-IODF changes like
  cabling, cabinets etc.) done by others will not be visible to you. Physical
  modifications done by you in this session will not be propagated to the MCF.
  Do you wish to continue?”
- A) User answers “no”:
  opening the configuration is aborted (the IODF will not be opened).
- B) User answers “yes”:
  processing the configuration continues without exploiting the MCF capability.
  However, HCM sets the LC flag for local changes, just like in stand-alone mode.
  This will trigger the Physical Mismatch Resolution dialog later, if the user
  connects to an MCF-enabled HCD version (z/OS 1.9 or later).