Version checking: using an old HCM version

HCM users can connect to an MCF-enabled configuration using an older HCM version without MCF support. However, HCD alerts these users that the configuration is MCF-enabled and that the HCM version being used is outdated.

Scenario: Connecting to an MCF-enabled configuration using an HCM version earlier than z/OS 1.9 

- A user accesses an MCF-enabled configuration in connected mode, using
  an HCM version earlier than z/OS 1.9
- Result: Open action succeeds, but HCM gives a warning message:
  “The configuration you are opening has an associated master configuration
  file (MCF). You are using an old HCM version without MCF capability.
  Physical modifications (i.e., non-IODF changes like cabling, cabinets etc.)
  previously done by others will not be visible to you.
  Physical modifications done by you in this session will not be propagated
  to the MCF. Please continue only if this is acceptable.”