Using the master configuration file (MCF)

The master configuration file (MCF) is an HCM configuration stored on the host as a central shared repository. The MCF concept is introduced in Introduction to the master configuration file concept and brings along the following main advantages:

Sharing an HCM configuration via MCF is recommended when two or more users need to make changes to the configuration. Although in cases of conflict, MCF sharing provides a Physical Mismatch Resolution dialog (see How to resolve physical mismatches in a shared configuration), the respective tasks of the users should be carefully planned and agreed upon. This eases later mismatch resolutions.

The local configuration file and the master configuration file both carry a timestamp to allow HCM to detect changes done to non-IODF objects. Resynchronization and physical mismatch resolution is then based both on the LC flag and the various timestamps: the MCF physical timestamps, timestamps of the local configuration and on the IODF timestamp.

Using the HCD profile keyword MCF_VOL lets you specify a volume serial number where to store the MCF on the host (refer to the z/OS HCD User's Guide).

Here is an outline of the MCF mode of operation:

Note: The MCF feature is new with z/OS 1.9. Its exploitation is optional. Without using this feature, processing of HCM configurations continues to work as in previous releases.