Column formats

HCM recognizes six types of data columns:
Text fields are free-format fields of a predefined length and can contain any sequence of keyboard characters. The maximum length of the text varies with each column. The text can contain imbedded spaces as well as characters that are used as separators. If you use, for example, a comma as a separator, you need to enclose it in double quotation marks (the usual quotation marks used in prose, for example, "A, and B"), or in single quotation marks (the apostrophe character, for example, 'C, and D'). Use "" within a double-quoted string to embed the double quotation marks - "He said ""Hello"".". Single quotation marks can be used similarly, when single quotation marks are used to enclose the entire string. The Export function encloses text fields in double quotation marks.

Text fields are case sensitive. Fields which update IODF data must be entered in the appropriate case for the IODF field.

The maximum length of a text field is 254 characters.

Note: As HCM Version 1.1.0 allows 255 character user fields, the last character may be truncated on export. A warning message is generated in such cases.

When updating existing records, a text field updates the configuration even if the field is all blanks or empty. Blank or empty is a valid value for a text field. If the entire column is not present in the input file, the field will be left unchanged.

Boolean (Bool)
These are fields with a Yes or No value. Accepted values in these fields are Yes, No, Y, N, 1, and 0 in upper or lower case.

A value enclosed in single or double quotation marks is also accepted although there is no need to do this. When updating existing records, a blank or empty Boolean field has no effect.

Numeric (Num)
Sequence of digits. Where appropriate, definitions of these columns will indicate acceptable ranges for these values. A value enclosed in single or double quotation marks is also accepted although there is no need to do this.

When updating existing records, a blank or empty Numeric field has no effect.

Sequence of hexadecimal digits (0..9, A..F). The field is checked that it is a valid hexadecimal number. Where appropriate, definitions of these columns indicate acceptable ranges for these values.

A value enclosed in single or double quotation marks is also accepted although there is no need to do this. The processing of hex digits greater than 9 is not case sensitive, so an import accepts a..f, though an export produces A..F.

When updating existing records, a blank or empty Hex field has no effect.

Any floating point number which follows this generic format can be imported:
[whitespace] [sign] [ddd] [.] [ddd] [e│E[sign]ddd]

Where appropriate, definitions of these columns indicate acceptable ranges for these values.

A value enclosed in single or double quotation marks is also accepted although there is no need to do this.

When updating existing records, a blank or empty Float field has no effect.

On export, floats are expressed in this compatible format which avoids the use of exponential notation, with leading and trailing zeroes removed:
[ddd] [.] [ddd]
Enumerated (Enum)
These are fields that accept a single value from a predefined set of text values. As an example, physical ports on an ESCON director may be either "LED" or "Laser". Values are not case sensitive, i.e. Laser and LASER are equivalent.

A value enclosed in single or double quotation marks is also accepted although there is no need to do this.

When updating existing records, a blank or empty Enumerated field has no effect.

In all cases, leading and trailing spaces are ignored.