One Processor Per Partition (OPPP) machines

An alternative to IBM's processor partitioning scheme is one in which, instead of each partition being represented by an LPAR object in the IODF, each partition is represented by its own processor. HCM calls this scheme one processor per partition (OPPP) and provides the following support for it.

  1. IODF load and resync
  2. Creating and deleting
  3. Editing
  4. CHPID mapping
  5. Connecting
  6. CTC connections

HCM represents OPPP machines similarly to the way it represents machines with multiple logical (alternate or shadow) processors. More than one processor object in the IODF can be mapped to an HCM machine. For machines with multiple logical processors, exactly one processor is designated the “primary” processor and can be edited or have connections made to it in HCM. For OPPP machines, more than one processor can be designated “primary”, thus allowing you to edit and make connections to several “partitions” with HCM.