Naming conventions in dialogs and reports

Objects in HCM are usually described in dialogs, reports, on the configuration diagram, in the status bar, in the object information bar, and on certain menu items using a standard format. The format used for most situations is described below.

Object Formatting convention (NAME) Examples
Processor ProcessorName PROD1
Partition ProcessorName.PartitionName PROD1.LPARA
CHPID ProcessorName.CHPID PROD1.2F
Switch SwitchName ESCD_1
Switch Port SwitchName.SwitchPortID ESCD_1.E3
Crossbar CrossbarName PRN-XBAR
Crossbar Interface CrossbarName.CrossbarInterfaceName PRN-XBAR.1 (channel interface) PRN-XBAR.A1 (CU interface)
Controller ControllerName 3990 #5
Controller Segment ControllerName.SegmentName 3990 #5.SC0 “SEG” if none assigned by PDF
Controller (Channel / Device) Adapter ControllerName.SegmentName.AdapterName“Segment Name” is omitted if none assigned by PDF “AdapterName” is “CA” “DA” if none assigned by PDF. 6110 #1.Bus 0.A (CA) 6110 #1.Bus 0.0 (DA)
Controller Interface ControllerName.SegmentName.AdapterName.InterfaceName “INT” if none assigned by PDF 3990 #5.SC0.A 3990 #5.SC0.SP0 6110 #1.Bus 0.A.0 6110 #1.Bus 0.0.INT
String StringName “String” plus range of device addresses if none assigned BACKUP DASD String 500-51F
Unit StringName.UnitName “Unit” plus range of device addresses if none assigned. String 500-51F.Unit 500-507
Device DeviceNumber or DeviceNumber,Count 0500 0500,8
String Interface StringName.InterfaceName “INT” if none assigned by PDF String 500-51F.A
Converter ConverterName

“S->P” or “P->S” if no label assigned

S->P between TEST1.22 and 3990 #1.SC0.C
Cabinet CabinetName Central Cabinet
Patchport PortId C101

In some situations, the formatted NAME as described above may be followed by additional information. The exact information that is included varies with circumstances.

Object Formatting convention (NAME plus additional information) Examples
Processor ProcessorName TypeModel “Description” SN:Serial Number PROD1 9021-972 “Production 1”

SN: 1234569021

Partition (IBM style machine) ProcessorName.PartitionName

ImageNumber Usage “Description”

PROD1.LPARA 01 OS “OS Partition #1”
Partition (one processor per partition style machine) ProcessorName.PartitionName TypeModel “Description” PROD1.DOM1.3090 “Domain 1”
CHPID ProcessorName.CHPID InterfaceType Type Mode “Description” Connections PROD1.21 S CNC SHR “DIR 2.E8” to ESCD_2.E8
CHPID with no physical channel ProcessorName.CHPID (No Channel)

Type Mode “Description”

PROD1.21 (No Channel) “”
Physical channel with no CHPID ProcessorName.CHPID InterfaceType (No CHPID) Connections PROD1.21 S (No CHPID) to ESCD_2.E8
CHPID on one processor per partition machine ProcessorName.CHPID InterfaceType (n CHPIDs) Connections PROD1.21 S (3 CHPIDs) to ESCD_2.E8
Switch SwitchName UnitModel “Description” SN:SerialNumber ESCD_2 9032 “DASD Switch” SN:79023454
Switch Port SwitchName.SwitchPortID LASER/LED “Name” Connections ESCD_2.E8 LED “P1.21” from PROD1.21
Crossbar CrossbarName SN:SerialNumber PRN_XBAR SN: 0987242
Crossbar Interface CrossbarName.CrossbarInterfaceName Connections PRN_XBAR.A1 to 4245 #1.A
Controller ControllerName SN:SerialNumber Strings 3990 #5 SN:98734789 reaching String 400-41F String 420-43F
Controller Segment ControllerName.SegmentName Strings 3990 #5.SC0 reaching String 400-41F String 420-43F
Controller Interface ControllerName.SegmentName.AdapterName.InterfaceName InterfaceType Connections 3990 #5.SC0.A S from ESCD_1.CD
String StringName UnitModel Controllers

“UnitModel” - taken from first device

String 500-51F 3390 on 3990 #5
Unit StringName.UnitName UnitModel SN:SerialNumber

“UnitModel” - taken from first device

String 500-51F.Unit 500-507 3390 SN:74329874
Device DeviceNumber VOLSER 0500 489327
String Interface StringName.InterfaceName Connections String 500-51F.A from 3990 #5.SC0.SP0
Converter ConverterName SN:SerialNumber Connections P->S 293473284 between PROD1.06 and 3990 #11.SC1.A
Cabinet CabinetName SN:SerialNumber Central Cabinet 077349782