Reconfigure Library Server information centers

Description: Starting with z/OS V2R1, the Library Server element requires the Location value (ICPATH=) value of InfoCenters to be configured differently than it was in the past. Thus, for any existing information center configurations migrated from the previous version, you must delete, configure, and process the configured information centers.

Steps to take:
  1. Migrate your current customized booksrv.80 as described in Description.
  2. Configure and start you HTTP server as required for Library Server as described in the z/OS Program Directory.
  3. Using the Library Server Administrative Interface, delete any existing information center configuration entries.
  4. Using the Library Server Administrative Interface, configure (that is,"create new") each deleted information center, using for its Locationfield the fully qualified "root plugin" directory name, or jar file name, of the information center. (Note that the "root plugin" is a child of the information center parent directory and is typically distinguishable as the plug-in that contains the "plugin_customization.ini" file for the information center.)
  5. Using the Library Server Administrative Interface for managing information centers, for each configured information center, use "Prepare InfoCenter Plugins" to prepare its plug-ins for subsequent creation of the information center search index.
  6. Using the Library Server Administrative Interface for managing information centers, for each configured information center, use "Receive InfoCenter Plugins" to copy/catalog all the prepared information center plug-in objects (for example, TOC files and plug-in card files) into the Library.
  7. Using the Library Server Administrative Interface for managing information centers, for each configured information center, use "Create InfoCenter Search Index" to create the search index which enables searching across all the plug-ins for the information center.

Reference information: For a complete description of each parameter of the Library Server configuration files, see z/OS Program Directory at z/OS installation related information.