Run-Time Library Extensions

Run-Time Library Extensions delivers the following libraries and utilities to support existing programs:
Common Debug Architecture (CDA) Libraries
Introduced in z/OS® V1R5, CDA provides a consistent format for debug information on z/OS. The CDA Libraries provide a set of APIs to access this information.
c89 Utility
This utility compiles, assembles, and binds z/OS UNIX System Services C/C++ and assembler applications.
UNIX System Laboratories (USL) Libraries
The USL I/O Stream Library provides the standard input and output capabilities for C++. The USL Complex Mathematics Library provides the facilities to manipulate complex numbers and to perform standard mathematical operations
Note: The UNIX System Laboratories (USL) I/O Stream Library and Complex Mathematics Library are still supported on z/OS. Although support for these classes is not being removed at this time, it is recommended that you migrate to the Standard C++ iostream and complex classes. This is especially important if you are migrating other USL streaming classes to Standard C++ Library streaming classes, because combining USL and Standard C++ Library streams in one application is not recommended. For more information about the Standard C++ I/O Stream Library, see Standard C++ Library Reference.