FTPD reply codes

Each time an FTP client sends an FTP command to the FTP server, that FTP server responds with one or more replies. Replies are in the format:

xyz text
xyz- text

An architected reply code of three digits in the range 100-599. Each digit of the code is significant; its meaning is described in RFC 959, File Transfer Protocol. In practice, the leading digit is most significant. A dash following the reply code (xyz-) indicates that the reply cannot fit in a single line and more lines of the same reply code are expected. The last line of the reply code does not have the dash.
Humanly-readable text that explains the meaning of the reply code.

Rule: The humanly-readable text portion of an FTP reply is not a programming interface. For more information, see RFC 959, section 4.2. FTP REPLIES. Other servers might return different humanly-readable text in similar scenarios, and the z/OS® FTP server reply texts are subject to change.

Reply codes are listed first in numerical order by the xyz value, then alphabetically by the first token in text.

The following list shows an overview of xyz values:
100 - 159
Replies in this range are informational messages and are usually followed by another reply that is in another range. An example of a reply of this type is 125 Sending data set /etc/hosts, which is sent after the client sends a RETR command to the server to fetch /etc/hosts.
200 - 259
Replies in this range indicate that the command that the client sent to the server completed successfully.
300 - 359
Replies in this range indicate that the command that the client sent to the server has been accepted by the server, but more information is needed to complete this request. An example of a reply in this range is 350 RNFR accepted. Please supply new name for RNTO., which is sent after the client sends a RNFR (rename from) command to the server.
400 - 459
Replies in this range indicate that the client's request was denied; however, the error is temporary and the client can request the action again.
500 - 559
Replies in this range indicate that the client's request failed because of a permanent error. Repeating the request in the identical sequence is not likely to succeed.
The significance of the second digit is architected by RFC 959 as follows:
If the second digit is 0, a syntax error was detected in the command that the client sent to the server.
If the second digit is 1, the reply contains information that was requested by the client.
If the second digit is 2, the reply contains information relating to the control or data connection.
If the second digit is 3, the reply is part of the login sequence or another authentication sequence.
A second digit of 4 is not in current use.
If the second digit is 5, the reply contains server file system information relevant to the last command that the client sent to the server.

Start of changeThis topic describes the reply codes that the z/OS FTP server generates. For codes that can be issued from other FTP servers, see the documentation that other vendor platforms provide. The codes must conform with the structure that is defined in RFC 959.End of change

See Related protocol specifications for information about accessing RFCs.