The module module-name was not found in an authorized library


An authorized program requested the load of a module that could not be found in an authorized library or concatenation of libraries.

System action

Module is not loaded. The application might abend.

If this was a C dllload() or dlopen() request and the _EDC_DLL_DIAG environment variable was not set to QUIET, the error message was sent to the Language Environment® message file. Other DLL diagnostic options, such as issuing ctrace(), signaling a condition, and the turning off _EDC_DLL_DIAG diagnostics, were available through the _EDC_DLL_DIAG environment variable.

If this was an explicit C dlopen() request, this error could also be returned to the caller through a subsequent call to the C dlerror() function.

If this was a DLL load or open request, a CEEDLLF DLL failure control block was populated with further DLL error diagnostics.

Programmer response

If the requested module can not be found, make sure the module exists in a system or user-defined authorized library. Correct the error, and run the job step again. The module name specified in the message might be truncated for display purposes.

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