Example of a C compiler listing

Figure 1 shows an example of a C compiler listing.

Figure 1. Example of a C listing
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                                       * * * * *   P R O L O G   * * * * *                                            
  Compile Time Library: 42020000                                                                                     
  Command options:                                                                                                   
     Program name. . .: 'CBC.SCCNSAM(CCNUAAM)'                                                                       
     Compiler options : *NOGONUMBER *NOALIAS    *NORENT     *TERMINAL   *NOUPCONV   *SOURCE     *LIST                
                      : *XREF       *AGG        *NOPPONLY   *NOEXPMAC   *NOSHOWINC  *NOOFFSET   *MEMORY     *NOSSCOMM
                      : *NOSHOWMACROS           *SKIPSRC(SHOW)          *NOREPORT   *NOMAKEDEP  *PREFETCH   *THREADE 
                      : *NOLIBANSI  *NOWSIZEOF  *REDIR      *ANSIALIAS  *DIGRAPH    *NOROCONST  *ROSTRING            
                      : *TUNE(7)    *ARCH(7)    *SPILL(128) *MAXMEM(2097152)        *NOCOMPACT                       
                      : *TARGET(LE,CURRENT)     *FLAG(I)    *NOTEST(SYM,BLOCK,LINE,PATH,HOOK)   *NOOPTIMIZE          
                      : *INLINE(AUTO,REPORT,100,1000)       *NESTINC(255)           *BITFIELD(UNSIGNED)              
                      : *NOINFO                                                                                      
                      : *NODFP                                                                                       
                      : *NOVECTOR                                                                                    
                      : *FLOAT(HEX,FOLD,NOMAF,AFP(NOVOLATILE))                                                       
                      : *STRICT                                                                                      
                      : *NOCOMPRESS *NOSTRICT_INDUCTION     *AGGRCOPY(NOOVERLAP)    *CHARS(UNSIGNED)                 
                      : *NOIGNERRNO                                                                                  
                      : *NOINITAUTO                                                                                  
                      : *NOCSECT                                                                                     
                      : *NOEVENTS                                                                                    
                      : *ASSERT(RESTRICT)                                                                            
                      : *NORESTRICT                                                                                  
                      : *OBJECT                                                                                      
                      : *NOGENASM                                                                                    
                      : *NOOPTFILE                                                                                   
                      : *NOSERVICE                                                                                   
                      : *NOOE                                                                                        
                      : *NOIPA                                                                                       
                      : *SEARCH(//'CEE.SCEEH.+')                                                                     
                      : *NOLSEARCH                                                                                   
                      : *NOLOCALE   *HALT(16)   *PLIST(HOST)                                                         
                      : *NOCONVLIT                                                                                   
                      : *NOASCII                                                                                     
                      : *NOGOFF     *ILP32      *NOWARN64   *NOHGPR     *NOHOT      *NOMETAL    *NOARMODE            
                      : *NOXPLINK(NOBACKCHAIN,NOSTOREARGS,NOCALLBACK,GUARD,OSCALL(NOSTACK))                          
                      : *ENUMSIZE(SMALL)                                                                             
                      : *NOHALTONMSG                                                                                 
                      : *NOSUPPRESS                                                                                  
                      : *NORTCHECK                                                                                   
                      : *NODEBUG                                                                                     
                      : *NOSQL                                                                                       
                      : *NOCICS                                                                                      
                      : *UNROLL(AUTO)                                                                                
                      : *KEYWORD()                                                                                   
                      : *NOKEYWORD(asm,typeof)                                                                       
                      : *NOSEVERITY                                                                                  
                      : *NODSAUSER                                                                                   
                      : *NOINCLUDE                                                                                   
                      : *NOSMP                                                                                       
                      : *SYSSTATE(NOASCENV,OSREL(NONE))                                                              
                      : *NOFUNCEVENT                                                                                 
                      : *NOASM                                                                                       
                      : *NOASMLIB                                                                                       
     Version Macros. .: __COMPILER_VER__=0x42010001 __LIBREL__=0x42020000 __TARGET_LIB__=0x42010000
     Language level. .: *EXTENDED:NOTEXTAFTERENDIF                                                                   
     Source margins. .:                                                                                              
       Varying length : 1 - 32760                                                                                    
       Fixed length. .: 1 - 32760                                                                                    
     Sequence columns :                                                                                              
       Varying length : none                                                                                         
       Fixed length. .: none

                                * * * * *   E N D   O F   P R O L O G   * * * * *                          
15650ZOS V2.1.1 z/OS XL C                 'CBC.SCCNSAM(CCNUAAM)'                    07/17/2014 05:06:07   Page     2  

                                           * * * * *   S O U R C E   * * * * *                                                       
  LINE  STMT                                                                                                       SEQNBR INCNO      
     1       |#include <stdio.h>                                                                                |      1             
     2       |                                                                                                  |      2             
     3       |#include "ccnuaan.h"                                                                              |      3             
     4       |                                                                                                  |      4             
     5       |void convert(double);                                                                             |      5             
     6       |                                                                                                  |      6             
     7       |int main(int argc, char **argv)                                                                   |      7             
     8       |{                                                                                                 |      8             
     9       |    double c_temp;                                                                                |      9             
    10       |                                                                                                  |     10             
    11     1 |    if (argc == 1) {  /* get Celsius value from stdin */                                          |     11             
    12       |       int ch;                                                                                    |     12             
    13       |                                                                                                  |     13             
    14     2 |       printf("Enter Celsius temperature: \n");                                                   |     14             
    15       |                                                                                                  |     15             
    16     3 |       if (scanf("%f", &c_temp) != 1) {                                                           |     16             
    17     4 |          printf("You must enter a valid temperature\n");                                         |     17             
    18       |       }                                                                                          |     18             
    19       |       else {                                                                                     |     19             
    20     5 |          convert(c_temp);                                                                        |     20             
    21       |       }                                                                                          |     21             
    22       |    }                                                                                             |     22             
    23       |    else {  /* convert the command-line arguments to Fahrenheit */                                |     23             
    24       |       int i;                                                                                     |     24             
    25       |                                                                                                  |     25             
    26     6 |       for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {                                                               |     26             
    27     7 |           if (sscanf(argv[i], "%f", &c_temp) != 1)                                               |     27             
    28     8 |              printf("%s is not a valid temperature\n",argv[i]);                                  |     28             
    29       |           else                                                                                   |     29             
    30     9 |              convert(c_temp);                                                                    |     30             
    31       |       }                                                                                          |     31             
    32       |    }                                                                                             |     32             
    33    10 |    return 0;                                                                                     |     33             
    34       |}                                                                                                 |     34             
    35       |                                                                                                  |     35             
    36       |void convert(double c_temp) {                                                                     |     36             
    37    11 |   double f_temp = (c_temp * CONV + OFFSET);                                                      |     37             
    38    12 |   printf("%5.2f Celsius is %5.2f Fahrenheit\n",c_temp, f_temp);                                  |     38             
    39       |}                                                                                                 |     39             
                                     * * * * *   E N D   O F   S O U R C E   * * * * *                          
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                         * * * * *   I N C L U D E S   * * * * *


                        1   CEE.SCEEH.H(STDIO)
                        2   CEE.SCEEH.H(FEATURES)
                        3   CEE.SCEEH.SYS.H(TYPES)
                        4   CBC.SCCNSAM(CCNUAAN)

                         * * * * *   E N D   O F   I N C L U D E S   * * * * *

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                                 * * * * *   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   L I S T I N G   * * * * *

                                     <SEQNBR>-<FILE NO>:<FILE LINE NO>

 ___valist           1-1:142         Class = typedef, Length = 8
                                     Type = array[2] of pointer to unsigned char
                                     1-1:145, 1-1:456, 1-1:457, 1-1:459

 __abend             1-1:898         Type = struct with no tag in union at offset 0

 __alloc             1-1:908         Type = struct with no tag in union at offset 0

                     1-1:941         Type = unsigned char in struct __amrctype at offset 232

 __amrc_pad          1-1:943         Type = array[23] of unsigned char in struct __amrctype at offset 233

 __amrc_ptr          1-1:950         Class = typedef, Length = 4
                                     Type = pointer to struct __amrctype

 __amrc_type         1-1:946         Class = typedef, Length = 256
                                     Type = struct __amrctype

 __amrctype          1-1:880         Class = struct tag

 __amrc2_ptr         1-1:964         Class = typedef, Length = 4
                                     Type = pointer to struct __amrc2type

 __amrc2_type        1-1:960         Class = typedef, Length = 32
                                     Type = struct __amrc2type

 __amrc2type         1-1:955         Class = struct tag

 __blksize           1-1:729         Type = unsigned long in struct __fileData at offset 8

 __bufPtr            1-1:78          Type = pointer to unsigned char in struct __file at offset 0

 __cntlinterpret     1-1:83          Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __file at offset 20(0)

 __code              1-1:909         Type = union with no tag in struct __amrctype at offset 0

 __countIn           1-1:79          Type = long in struct __file at offset 4

 __countOut          1-1:80          Type = long in struct __file at offset 8

 __cusp              1-1:201         Class = typedef, Length = 4
                                     Type = pointer to const unsigned short

 __device            1-1:728         Type = enum with no tag in struct __fileData at offset 4

 __device_specific   1-1:745         Type = union with no tag in struct __fileData at offset 16

 __device_t          1-1:663         Class = typedef, Length = 1
                                     Type = enum with no tag
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                                 * * * * *   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   L I S T I N G   * * * * *

                                     <SEQNBR>-<FILE NO>:<FILE LINE NO>

 __disk              1-1:643         Class = enumeration constant: 0, Length = 4
                                     Type = int

 __disk              1-1:743         Type = struct with no tag in union at offset 0

                     1-1:740         Type = unsigned char in struct at offset 2

                     1-1:741         Type = unsigned char in struct at offset 3

 __disk_reserve      1-1:742         Type = array[2] of long in struct at offset 4

 __disk_vsam_type    1-1:739         Type = unsigned short in struct at offset 0

 __dsname            1-1:746         Type = pointer to unsigned char in struct __fileData at offset 28

 __dsorgConcat       1-1:703         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 1(3)

 __dsorgHiper        1-1:705         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 1(5)

 __dsorgHFS          1-1:710         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 2(0)

 __dsorgMem          1-1:704         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 1(4)

 __dsorgPDSdir       1-1:701         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 1(1)

 __dsorgPDSmem       1-1:700         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 1(0)

 __dsorgPDSE         1-1:717         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 2(7)

 __dsorgPO           1-1:699         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 0(7)

 __dsorgPS           1-1:702         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 1(2)

 __dsorgTemp         1-1:706         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 1(6)

 __dsorgVSAM         1-1:707         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 1(7)

 __dummy             1-1:648         Class = enumeration constant: 6, Length = 4
                                     Type = int

 __error             1-1:892         Type = int in union at offset 0

 __error2            1-1:956         Type = int in struct __amrc2type at offset 0

 __fcb_ascii         1-1:84          Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __file at offset 20(1)

 __fcb_orientation   1-1:85          Type = unsigned int:2 in struct __file at offset 20(2)

 __fcbgetc           1-1:81          Type = pointer to function returning int in struct __file at offset 12
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                                 * * * * *   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   L I S T I N G   * * * * *

                                     <SEQNBR>-<FILE NO>:<FILE LINE NO>

 __fcbputc           1-1:82          Type = pointer to function returning int in struct __file at offset 16

 __fdbk              1-1:903         Type = unsigned char in struct at offset 3

 __fdbk_fill         1-1:900         Type = unsigned char in struct at offset 0

 __feedback          1-1:904         Type = struct with no tag in union at offset 0

 __ffile             1-1:88          Class = struct tag
                                     1-1:93, 1-1:99

 __file              1-1:73          Class = struct tag
                                     1-1:74, 1-1:75, 1-1:90

 __fileptr           1-1:958         Type = pointer to struct __ffile in struct __amrc2type at offset 4

 __fileData          1-1:691         Class = struct tag

 __fill              1-1:867         Type = unsigned int in struct at offset 0

 __filler1           1-1:626         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99emparms at offset 3

 __fill2             1-1:923         Type = array[2] of unsigned int in struct at offset 136

 __fp                1-1:90          Type = pointer to struct __file in struct __ffile at offset 0

 __fpos_elem         1-1:104         Type = array[8] of long in struct __fpos_t at offset 0

 __fpos_t            1-1:103         Class = struct tag

 __ftncd             1-1:902         Type = unsigned char in struct at offset 2

 __func__            36-0:36         Class = static, Length = 8
                                     Type = array[8] of const unsigned char in function convert

 __func__            8-0:8           Class = static, Length = 5
                                     Type = array[5] of const unsigned char in function main

 __hfs               1-1:655         Class = enumeration constant: 9, Length = 4
                                     Type = int

 __hiperspace        1-1:656         Class = enumeration constant: 10, Length = 4
                                     Type = int

 __last_op           1-1:916         Type = unsigned int in struct __amrctype at offset 8

 __len               1-1:919         Type = unsigned int in struct at offset 4

 __len_fill          1-1:918         Type = unsigned int in struct at offset 0
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                                 * * * * *   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   L I S T I N G   * * * * *

                                     <SEQNBR>-<FILE NO>:<FILE LINE NO>
 __maxreclen         1-1:730         Type = unsigned long in struct __fileData at offset 12

 __memory            1-1:654         Class = enumeration constant: 8, Length = 4
                                     Type = int

 __modeflag          1-1:716         Type = unsigned int:4 in struct __fileData at offset 2(3)

 __msg               1-1:926         Type = struct with no tag in struct __amrctype at offset 12

 __msgfile           1-1:651         Class = enumeration constant: 7, Length = 4
                                     Type = int

 __msgrtn            1-1:659         Class = enumeration constant: 11, Length = 4
                                     Type = int

 __openmode          1-1:715         Type = unsigned int:2 in struct __fileData at offset 2(1)

 __other             1-1:662         Class = enumeration constant: 255, Length = 4
                                     Type = int

 __parmr0            1-1:921         Type = unsigned int in struct at offset 128

 __parmr1            1-1:922         Type = unsigned int in struct at offset 132

 __printer           1-1:645         Class = enumeration constant: 2, Length = 4
                                     Type = int

 __rc                1-1:897         Type = unsigned short in struct at offset 2

 __rc                1-1:901         Type = unsigned char in struct at offset 1

 __recfmASA          1-1:697         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 0(5)

 __recfmB            1-1:722         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 3(4)

 __recfmBlk          1-1:696         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 0(4)

 __recfmF            1-1:692         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 0(0)

 __recfmM            1-1:698         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 0(6)

 __recfmS            1-1:695         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 0(3)

 __recfmU            1-1:694         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 0(2)

 __recfmV            1-1:693         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 0(1)

 __recnum            1-1:868         Type = unsigned int in struct at offset 4

 __reserved          1-1:609         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99rbx at offset 16

 __reserved          1-1:959         Type = array[6] of int in struct __amrc2type at offset 8                               
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                                 * * * * *   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   L I S T I N G   * * * * *

                                     <SEQNBR>-<FILE NO>:<FILE LINE NO>
 __reserve2          1-1:723         Type = unsigned int:3 in struct __fileData at offset 3(5)

 __reserve4          1-1:747         Type = pointer to void in struct __fileData at offset 32

 __reserv1           1-1:631         Type = int in struct __S99emparms at offset 20

 __reserv2           1-1:617         Type = int in struct __S99rbx at offset 32

 __reserv2           1-1:632         Type = int in struct __S99emparms at offset 24

 __rplfdbwd          1-1:929         Type = array[4] of unsigned char in struct __amrctype at offset 220

 __rrds_key_type     1-1:873         Class = typedef, Length = 8
                                     Type = struct with no tag

 __snprtf                            Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 __str               1-1:920         Type = array[120] of unsigned char in struct at offset 8

 __str2              1-1:924         Type = array[64] of unsigned char in struct at offset 144

 __svc99_error       1-1:907         Type = unsigned short in struct at offset 2

 __svc99_info        1-1:906         Type = unsigned short in struct at offset 0

 __syscode           1-1:896         Type = unsigned short in struct at offset 0

 __tape              1-1:646         Class = enumeration constant: 3, Length = 4
                                     Type = int

 __tdq               1-1:647         Class = enumeration constant: 5, Length = 4
                                     Type = int

 __terminal          1-1:644         Class = enumeration constant: 1, Length = 4
                                     Type = int

 __vsam              1-1:736         Type = struct with no tag in union at offset 0

 __vsam_keylen       1-1:734         Type = unsigned long in struct at offset 4

 __vsam_type         1-1:733         Type = unsigned short in struct at offset 0

 __vsam_RKP          1-1:735         Type = unsigned long in struct at offset 8

 __vsamEA            1-1:721         Type = unsigned int:1 in struct __fileData at offset 3(3)

 __vsamRLS           1-1:719         Type = unsigned int:3 in struct __fileData at offset 3(0)

 __EMBUFP            1-1:630         Type = pointer to void in struct __S99emparms at offset 16

 __EMCPPLP           1-1:629         Type = pointer to void in struct __S99emparms at offset 12
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                                 * * * * *   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   L I S T I N G   * * * * *

                                     <SEQNBR>-<FILE NO>:<FILE LINE NO>

 __EMFUNCT           1-1:623         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99emparms at offset 0

 __EMIDNUM           1-1:624         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99emparms at offset 1

 __EMNMSGBK          1-1:625         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99emparms at offset 2

 __EMRETCOD          1-1:628         Type = int in struct __S99emparms at offset 8

 __EMS99RBP          1-1:627         Type = pointer to void in struct __S99emparms at offset 4

 __FILEP             1-1:93          Class = typedef, Length = 4
                                     Type = pointer to struct __ffile

 __RBA               1-1:910         Type = unsigned int in struct __amrctype at offset 4

 __S99emparms        1-1:622         Class = struct tag

 __S99emparms_t      1-1:635         Class = typedef, Length = 28
                                     Type = struct __S99emparms

 __S99parms          1-1:595         Class = typedef, Length = 20
                                     Type = struct __S99struc

 __S99rbx            1-1:599         Class = struct tag

 __S99rbx_t          1-1:620         Class = typedef, Length = 36
                                     Type = struct __S99rbx

 __S99struc          1-1:578         Class = struct tag

 __S99ECPPL          1-1:608         Type = pointer to void in struct __S99rbx at offset 12

 __S99EERR           1-1:615         Type = unsigned short in struct __S99rbx at offset 28

 __S99EID            1-1:601         Type = array[6] of unsigned char in struct __S99rbx at offset 0

 __S99EINFO          1-1:616         Type = unsigned short in struct __S99rbx at offset 30

 __S99EKEY           1-1:605         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99rbx at offset 9

 __S99EMGSV          1-1:606         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99rbx at offset 10

 __S99EMSGP          1-1:614         Type = pointer to void in struct __S99rbx at offset 24

 __S99ENMSG          1-1:607         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99rbx at offset 11

 __S99EOPTS          1-1:603         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99rbx at offset 7
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                                 * * * * *   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   L I S T I N G   * * * * *

                                     <SEQNBR>-<FILE NO>:<FILE LINE NO>
 __S99ERCF           1-1:612         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99rbx at offset 19

 __S99ERCO           1-1:611         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99rbx at offset 18

 __S99ERES           1-1:610         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99rbx at offset 17

 __S99ERROR          1-1:584         Type = unsigned short in struct __S99struc at offset 4

 __S99ESUBP          1-1:604         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99rbx at offset 8

 __S99EVER           1-1:602         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99rbx at offset 6

 __S99EWRC           1-1:613         Type = int in struct __S99rbx at offset 20

 __S99FLAG1          1-1:582         Type = unsigned short in struct __S99struc at offset 2

 __S99FLAG2          1-1:590         Type = unsigned int in struct __S99struc at offset 16

 __S99INFO           1-1:585         Type = unsigned short in struct __S99struc at offset 6

 __S99RBLN           1-1:580         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99struc at offset 0

 __S99S99X           1-1:588         Type = pointer to void in struct __S99struc at offset 12

 __S99TXTPP          1-1:586         Type = pointer to void in struct __S99struc at offset 8

 __S99VERB           1-1:581         Type = unsigned char in struct __S99struc at offset 1

 __XRBA              1-1:935         Type = unsigned long long in struct __amrctype at offset 224

 _gtca                               Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning pointer to const void

 _Gtab                               Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning pointer to pointer to void

 _GETCFUNC           1-1:74          Class = typedef
                                     Type = function returning int

 _PUTCFUNC           1-1:75          Class = typedef
                                     Type = function returning int

 argc                7-0:7           Class = parameter, Length = 4
                                     Type = int in function main
                                     11-0:11, 26-0:26, 26-0:26

 argv                7-0:7           Class = parameter, Length = 4
                                     Type = pointer to pointer to unsigned char in function main
                                     27-0:27, 28-0:28
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                                 * * * * *   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   L I S T I N G   * * * * *

                                     <SEQNBR>-<FILE NO>:<FILE LINE NO>

 c_temp              36-0:36         Class = parameter, Length = 8
                                     Type = double in function convert
                                     37-0:37, 38-0:38

 c_temp              9-0:9           Class = auto, Length = 8
                                     Type = double in function main
                                     16-0:16, 20-0:20, 27-0:27, 30-0:30

 ch                  12-0:12         Class = auto, Length = 4
                                     Type = int in function main

 clearerr                            Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning void

 clrmemf                             Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 convert             36-0:36         Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning void
                                     5-0:5, 20-0:20, 30-0:30

 f_temp              37-0:37         Class = auto, Length = 8
                                     Type = double in function convert
                                     37-0:37, 38-0:38

 fclose                              Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 fdelrec                             Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 feof                                Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 ferror                              Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 fflush                              Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 fgetc                               Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 fgetpos                             Class = extern
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                                 * * * * *   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   L I S T I N G   * * * * *

                                     <SEQNBR>-<FILE NO>:<FILE LINE NO>
                                     Type = function returning int

 fgets                               Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning pointer to unsigned char

 fldata                              Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 fldata_t            1-1:750         Class = typedef, Length = 36
                                     Type = struct __fileData

 flocate                             Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 fopen                               Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning pointer to struct __ffile

 fpos_t              1-1:107         Class = typedef, Length = 32
                                     Type = struct __fpos_t
                                     1-1:412, 1-1:427

 fprintf                             Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 fputc                               Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 fputs                               Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 fread                               Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning unsigned int

 freopen                             Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning pointer to struct __ffile

 fscanf                              Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 fseek                               Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int                                       
15650ZOS V2.1.1 z/OS XL C                 'CBC.SCCNSAM(CCNUAAM)'                    07/17/2014 05:06:07   Page    13

                                 * * * * *   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   L I S T I N G   * * * * *

                                     <SEQNBR>-<FILE NO>:<FILE LINE NO>

 fsetpos                             Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 ftell                               Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning long

 fupdate                             Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning unsigned int

 fwrite                              Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning unsigned int

 getc                                Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 getchar                             Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 gets                                Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning pointer to unsigned char

 i                   24-0:24         Class = auto, Length = 4
                                     Type = int in function main
                                     26-0:26, 26-0:26, 27-0:27, 28-0:28, 26-0:26, 26-0:26, 26-0:26

 main                7-0:7           Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 perror                              Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning void

 printf                              Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int
                                     1-1:435, 14-0:14, 17-0:17, 28-0:28, 38-0:38

 putc                                Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 putchar                             Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int
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                                 * * * * *   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   L I S T I N G   * * * * *

                                     <SEQNBR>-<FILE NO>:<FILE LINE NO>
 puts                                Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 remove                              Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 rename                              Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 rewind                              Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning void

 scanf                               Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int
                                     1-1:442, 16-0:16

 setbuf                              Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning void

 setvbuf                             Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 size_t              1-1:58          Class = typedef, Length = 4
                                     Type = unsigned int
                                     1-1:420, 1-1:420, 1-1:421, 1-1:429, 1-1:429, 1-1:429, 1-1:445, 1-1:837, 1-1:839, 1-1:839,

 sprintf                             Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 sscanf                              Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int
                                     1-1:450, 27-0:27

 ssize_t             1-1:67          Class = typedef, Length = 4
                                     Type = int

 svc99                               Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 tmpfile                             Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning pointer to struct __ffile

 tmpnam                              Class = extern
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                                 * * * * *   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   L I S T I N G   * * * * *

                                     <SEQNBR>-<FILE NO>:<FILE LINE NO>
                                     Type = function returning pointer to unsigned char

 ungetc                              Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 va_list             1-1:145         Class = typedef, Length = 8
                                     Type = array[2] of pointer to unsigned char

 vfprintf                            Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 vprintf                             Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 vsprintf                            Class = extern
                                     Type = function returning int

 FILE                1-1:99          Class = typedef, Length = 4
                                     Type = struct __ffile
                                     1-1:406, 1-1:407, 1-1:408, 1-1:409, 1-1:410, 1-1:411, 1-1:412, 1-1:413, 1-1:414, 1-1:416,
                                     1-1:418, 1-1:419, 1-1:421, 1-1:422, 1-1:423, 1-1:424, 1-1:426, 1-1:427, 1-1:428, 1-1:430,
                                     1-1:431, 1-1:436, 1-1:441, 1-1:443, 1-1:444, 1-1:452, 1-1:454, 1-1:455, 1-1:837, 1-1:838,
                                     1-1:839, 1-1:841, 1-1:958

                          * * * * *   E N D   O F   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   L I S T I N G   * * * * *
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                                   * * * * *   S T R U C T U R E   M A P S   * * * * *

 | Aggregate map for: union with no tag #1                                                Total size: 12 bytes             |
 |......................... ...............................................................................................|
 |__device_specific                                                                                                        |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |      12           |  __vsam                                                                         |
 |       0           |       2           |  __vsam_type                                                                    |
 |       2           |       2           |  ***PADDING***                                                                  |
 |       4           |       4           |  __vsam_keylen                                                                  |
 |       8           |       4           |  __vsam_RKP                                                                     |
 |       0           |      12           |  __disk                                                                         |
 |       0           |       2           |  __disk_vsam_type                                                               |
 |       2           |       1           |  __disk_access_method                                                           |
 |       3           |       1           |  __disk_noseek_to_seek                                                          |
 |       4           |       8           |  __disk_reserve[2]                                                              |

 | Aggregate map for: struct with no tag #2                                               Total size: 12 bytes             |
 |__vsam                                                                                                                   |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       2           |  __vsam_type                                                                    |
 |       2           |       2           |  ***PADDING***                                                                  |
 |       4           |       4           |  __vsam_keylen                                                                  |
 |       8           |       4           |  __vsam_RKP                                                                     |

 | Aggregate map for: struct with no tag #3                                               Total size: 12 bytes             |
 |__disk                                                                                                                   |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       2           |  __disk_vsam_type                                                               |
 |       2           |       1           |  __disk_access_method                                                           |
 |       3           |       1           |  __disk_noseek_to_seek                                                          |
 |       4           |       8           |  __disk_reserve[2]                                                              |

 | Aggregate map for: struct with no tag #4                                               Total size: 8 bytes              |
 |__rrds_key_type                                                                                                          |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
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                                   * * * * *   S T R U C T U R E   M A P S   * * * * *
 |       0           |       4           |  __fill                                                                         |
 |       4           |       4           |  __recnum                                                                       |

 | Aggregate map for: _Packed struct with no tag #4                                       Total size: 8 bytes              |
 |_Packed __rrds_key_type                                                                                                  |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       4           |  __fill                                                                         |
 |       4           |       4           |  __recnum                                                                       |

 | Aggregate map for: union with no tag #5                                                Total size: 4 bytes              |
 |__code                                                                                                                   |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       4           |  __error                                                                        |
 |       0           |       4           |  __abend                                                                        |
 |       0           |       2           |  __syscode                                                                      |
 |       2           |       2           |  __rc                                                                           |
 |       0           |       4           |  __feedback                                                                     |
 |       0           |       1           |  __fdbk_fill                                                                    |
 |       1           |       1           |  __rc                                                                           |
 |       2           |       1           |  __ftncd                                                                        |
 |       3           |       1           |  __fdbk                                                                         |
 |       0           |       4           |  __alloc                                                                        |
 |       0           |       2           |  __svc99_info                                                                   |
 |       2           |       2           |  __svc99_error                                                                  |

 | Aggregate map for: struct with no tag #6                                               Total size: 4 bytes              |
 |__abend                                                                                                                  |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       2           |  __syscode                                                                      |
 |       2           |       2           |  __rc                                                                           |
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                                   * * * * *   S T R U C T U R E   M A P S   * * * * *

 | Aggregate map for: struct with no tag #7                                               Total size: 4 bytes              |
 |__feedback                                                                                                               |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       1           |  __fdbk_fill                                                                    |
 |       1           |       1           |  __rc                                                                           |
 |       2           |       1           |  __ftncd                                                                        |
 |       3           |       1           |  __fdbk                                                                         |

 | Aggregate map for: struct with no tag #8                                               Total size: 4 bytes              |
 |__alloc                                                                                                                  |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       2           |  __svc99_info                                                                   |
 |       2           |       2           |  __svc99_error                                                                  |

 | Aggregate map for: struct with no tag #9                                               Total size: 208 bytes            |
 |__msg                                                                                                                    |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       4           |  __len_fill                                                                     |
 |       4           |       4           |  __len                                                                          |
 |       8           |     120           |  __str[120]                                                                     |
 |     128           |       4           |  __parmr0                                                                       |
 |     132           |       4           |  __parmr1                                                                       |
 |     136           |       8           |  __fill2[2]                                                                     |
 |     144           |      64           |  __str2[64]                                                                     |

 | Aggregate map for: struct __amrctype                                                   Total size: 256 bytes            |
 |__amrc_type                                                                                                              |
 |*__amrc_ptr                                                                                                              |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       4           |  __code                                                                         |
 |       0           |       4           |  __error                                                                        |
 |       0           |       4           |  __abend                                                                        |
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                                   * * * * *   S T R U C T U R E   M A P S   * * * * *
 |       0           |       2           |  __syscode                                                                      |
 |       2           |       2           |  __rc                                                                           |
 |       0           |       4           |  __feedback                                                                     |
 |       0           |       1           |  __fdbk_fill                                                                    |
 |       1           |       1           |  __rc                                                                           |
 |       2           |       1           |  __ftncd                                                                        |
 |       3           |       1           |  __fdbk                                                                         |
 |       0           |       4           |  __alloc                                                                        |
 |       0           |       2           |  __svc99_info                                                                   |
 |       2           |       2           |  __svc99_error                                                                  |
 |       4           |       4           |  __RBA                                                                          |
 |       8           |       4           |  __last_op                                                                      |
 |      12           |     208           |  __msg                                                                          |
 |      12           |       4           |  __len_fill                                                                     |
 |      16           |       4           |  __len                                                                          |
 |      20           |     120           |  __str[120]                                                                     |
 |     140           |       4           |  __parmr0                                                                       |
 |     144           |       4           |  __parmr1                                                                       |
 |     148           |       8           |  __fill2[2]                                                                     |
 |     156           |      64           |  __str2[64]                                                                     |
 |     220           |       4           |  __rplfdbwd[4]                                                                  |
 |     224           |       8           |  __XRBA                                                                         |
 |     232           |       1           |  __amrc_noseek_to_seek                                                          |
 |     233           |      23           |  __amrc_pad[23]                                                                 |

 | Aggregate map for: _Packed struct __amrctype                                           Total size: 256 bytes            |
 |_Packed __amrc_type                                                                                                      |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       4           |  __code                                                                         |
 |       0           |       4           |  __error                                                                        |
 |       0           |       4           |  __abend                                                                        |
 |       0           |       2           |  __syscode                                                                      |
 |       2           |       2           |  __rc                                                                           |
 |       0           |       4           |  __feedback                                                                     |
 |       0           |       1           |  __fdbk_fill                                                                    |
 |       1           |       1           |  __rc                                                                           |
 |       2           |       1           |  __ftncd                                                                        |
 |       3           |       1           |  __fdbk                                                                         |
 |       0           |       4           |  __alloc                                                                        |
 |       0           |       2           |  __svc99_info                                                                   |
 |       2           |       2           |  __svc99_error                                                                  |
 |       4           |       4           |  __RBA                                                                          |
 |       8           |       4           |  __last_op                                                                      |
 |      12           |     208           |  __msg                                                                          |
 |      12           |       4           |  __len_fill                                                                     |
 |      16           |       4           |  __len                                                                          |
 |      20           |     120           |  __str[120]                                                                     |
 |     140           |       4           |  __parmr0                                                                       |
 |     144           |       4           |  __parmr1                                                                       |
 |     148           |       8           |  __fill2[2]                                                                     |
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                                   * * * * *   S T R U C T U R E   M A P S   * * * * *
 |     156           |      64           |  __str2[64]                                                                     |
 |     220           |       4           |  __rplfdbwd[4]                                                                  |
 |     224           |       8           |  __XRBA                                                                         |
 |     232           |       1           |  __amrc_noseek_to_seek                                                          |
 |     233           |      23           |  __amrc_pad[23]                                                                 |

 | Aggregate map for: struct __amrc2type                                                  Total size: 32 bytes             |
 |__amrc2_type                                                                                                             |
 |*__amrc2_ptr                                                                                                             |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       4           |  __error2                                                                       |
 |       4           |       4           |  __fileptr                                                                      |
 |       8           |      24           |  __reserved[6]                                                                  |

 | Aggregate map for: _Packed struct __amrc2type                                          Total size: 32 bytes             |
 |_Packed __amrc2_type                                                                                                     |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       4           |  __error2                                                                       |
 |       4           |       4           |  __fileptr                                                                      |
 |       8           |      24           |  __reserved[6]                                                                  |

 | Aggregate map for: struct __ffile                                                      Total size: 4 bytes              |
 |*__FILEP                                                                                                                 |
 |FILE                                                                                                                     |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       4           |  __fp                                                                           |

 | Aggregate map for: _Packed struct __ffile                                              Total size: 4 bytes              |
 |_Packed FILE                                                                                                             |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       4           |  __fp                                                                           |
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                                   * * * * *   S T R U C T U R E   M A P S   * * * * *

 | Aggregate map for: struct __file                                                       Total size: 24 bytes             |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       4           |  __bufPtr                                                                       |
 |       4           |       4           |  __countIn                                                                      |
 |       8           |       4           |  __countOut                                                                     |
 |      12           |       4           |  __fcbgetc                                                                      |
 |      16           |       4           |  __fcbputc                                                                      |
 |      20           |       0(1)        |  __cntlinterpret                                                                |
 |      20(1)        |       0(1)        |  __fcb_ascii                                                                    |
 |      20(2)        |       0(2)        |  __fcb_orientation                                                              |
 |      20(4)        |       3(4)        |  ***PADDING***                                                                  |

 | Aggregate map for: _Packed struct __file                                               Total size: 21 bytes             |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       4           |  __bufPtr                                                                       |
 |       4           |       4           |  __countIn                                                                      |
 |       8           |       4           |  __countOut                                                                     |
 |      12           |       4           |  __fcbgetc                                                                      |
 |      16           |       4           |  __fcbputc                                                                      |
 |      20           |       0(1)        |  __cntlinterpret                                                                |
 |      20(1)        |       0(1)        |  __fcb_ascii                                                                    |
 |      20(2)        |       0(2)        |  __fcb_orientation                                                              |
 |      20(4)        |       0(4)        |  ***PADDING***                                                                  |

 | Aggregate map for: struct __fileData                                                   Total size: 36 bytes             |
 |fldata_t                                                                                                                 |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       0(1)        |  __recfmF                                                                       |
 |       0(1)        |       0(1)        |  __recfmV                                                                       |
 |       0(2)        |       0(1)        |  __recfmU                                                                       |
 |       0(3)        |       0(1)        |  __recfmS                                                                       |
 |       0(4)        |       0(1)        |  __recfmBlk                                                                     |
 |       0(5)        |       0(1)        |  __recfmASA                                                                     |
 |       0(6)        |       0(1)        |  __recfmM                                                                       |
 |       0(7)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgPO                                                                      |
 |       1           |       0(1)        |  __dsorgPDSmem                                                                  |
 |       1(1)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgPDSdir                                                                  |
 |       1(2)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgPS                                                                      |
 |       1(3)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgConcat                                                                  |
 |       1(4)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgMem                                                                     |
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                                   * * * * *   S T R U C T U R E   M A P S   * * * * *
 |       1(5)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgHiper                                                                   |
 |       1(6)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgTemp                                                                    |
 |       1(7)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgVSAM                                                                    |
 |       2           |       0(1)        |  __dsorgHFS                                                                     |
 |       2(1)        |       0(2)        |  __openmode                                                                     |
 |       2(3)        |       0(4)        |  __modeflag                                                                     |
 |       2(7)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgPDSE                                                                    |
 |       3           |       0(3)        |  __vsamRLS                                                                      |
 |       3(3)        |       0(1)        |  __vsamEA                                                                       |
 |       3(4)        |       0(1)        |  __recfmB                                                                       |
 |       3(5)        |       0(3)        |  __reserve2                                                                     |
 |       4           |       1           |  __device                                                                       |
 |       5           |       3           |  ***PADDING***                                                                  |
 |       8           |       4           |  __blksize                                                                      |
 |      12           |       4           |  __maxreclen                                                                    |
 |      16           |      12           |  __device_specific                                                              |
 |      16           |      12           |  __vsam                                                                         |
 |      16           |       2           |  __vsam_type                                                                    |
 |      18           |       2           |  ***PADDING***                                                                  |
 |      20           |       4           |  __vsam_keylen                                                                  |
 |      24           |       4           |  __vsam_RKP                                                                     |
 |      16           |      12           |  __disk                                                                         |
 |      16           |       2           |  __disk_vsam_type                                                               |
 |      18           |       1           |  __disk_access_method                                                           |
 |      19           |       1           |  __disk_noseek_to_seek                                                          |
 |      20           |       8           |  __disk_reserve[2]                                                              |
 |      28           |       4           |  __dsname                                                                       |
 |      32           |       4           |  __reserve4                                                                     |

 | Aggregate map for: _Packed struct __fileData                                           Total size: 33 bytes             |
 |_Packed fldata_t                                                                                                         |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       0(1)        |  __recfmF                                                                       |
 |       0(1)        |       0(1)        |  __recfmV                                                                       |
 |       0(2)        |       0(1)        |  __recfmU                                                                       |
 |       0(3)        |       0(1)        |  __recfmS                                                                       |
 |       0(4)        |       0(1)        |  __recfmBlk                                                                     |
 |       0(5)        |       0(1)        |  __recfmASA                                                                     |
 |       0(6)        |       0(1)        |  __recfmM                                                                       |
 |       0(7)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgPO                                                                      |
 |       1           |       0(1)        |  __dsorgPDSmem                                                                  |
 |       1(1)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgPDSdir                                                                  |
 |       1(2)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgPS                                                                      |
 |       1(3)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgConcat                                                                  |
 |       1(4)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgMem                                                                     |
 |       1(5)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgHiper                                                                   |
 |       1(6)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgTemp                                                                    |
 |       1(7)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgVSAM                                                                    |
 |       2           |       0(1)        |  __dsorgHFS                                                                     |
 |       2(1)        |       0(2)        |  __openmode                                                                     |
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                                   * * * * *   S T R U C T U R E   M A P S   * * * * *
 |       2(3)        |       0(4)        |  __modeflag                                                                     |
 |       2(7)        |       0(1)        |  __dsorgPDSE                                                                    |
 |       3           |       0(3)        |  __vsamRLS                                                                      |
 |       3(3)        |       0(1)        |  __vsamEA                                                                       |
 |       3(4)        |       0(1)        |  __recfmB                                                                       |
 |       3(5)        |       0(3)        |  __reserve2                                                                     |
 |       4           |       1           |  __device                                                                       |
 |       5           |       4           |  __blksize                                                                      |
 |       9           |       4           |  __maxreclen                                                                    |
 |      13           |      12           |  __device_specific                                                              |
 |      13           |      12           |  __vsam                                                                         |
 |      13           |       2           |  __vsam_type                                                                    |
 |      15           |       2           |  ***PADDING***                                                                  |
 |      17           |       4           |  __vsam_keylen                                                                  |
 |      21           |       4           |  __vsam_RKP                                                                     |
 |      13           |      12           |  __disk                                                                         |
 |      13           |       2           |  __disk_vsam_type                                                               |
 |      15           |       1           |  __disk_access_method                                                           |
 |      16           |       1           |  __disk_noseek_to_seek                                                          |
 |      17           |       8           |  __disk_reserve[2]                                                              |
 |      25           |       4           |  __dsname                                                                       |
 |      29           |       4           |  __reserve4                                                                     |

 | Aggregate map for: struct __fpos_t                                                     Total size: 32 bytes             |
 |fpos_t                                                                                                                   |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |      32           |  __fpos_elem[8]                                                                 |

 | Aggregate map for: _Packed struct __fpos_t                                             Total size: 32 bytes             |
 |_Packed fpos_t                                                                                                           |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |      32           |  __fpos_elem[8]                                                                 |

 | Aggregate map for: struct __S99emparms                                                 Total size: 28 bytes             |
 |__S99emparms_t                                                                                                           |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       1           |  __EMFUNCT                                                                      |
 |       1           |       1           |  __EMIDNUM                                                                      |
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                                   * * * * *   S T R U C T U R E   M A P S   * * * * *
 |       2           |       1           |  __EMNMSGBK                                                                     |
 |       3           |       1           |  __filler1                                                                      |
 |       4           |       4           |  __EMS99RBP                                                                     |
 |       8           |       4           |  __EMRETCOD                                                                     |
 |      12           |       4           |  __EMCPPLP                                                                      |
 |      16           |       4           |  __EMBUFP                                                                       |
 |      20           |       4           |  __reserv1                                                                      |
 |      24           |       4           |  __reserv2                                                                      |

 | Aggregate map for: _Packed struct __S99emparms                                         Total size: 28 bytes             |
 |_Packed __S99emparms_t                                                                                                   |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       1           |  __EMFUNCT                                                                      |
 |       1           |       1           |  __EMIDNUM                                                                      |
 |       2           |       1           |  __EMNMSGBK                                                                     |
 |       3           |       1           |  __filler1                                                                      |
 |       4           |       4           |  __EMS99RBP                                                                     |
 |       8           |       4           |  __EMRETCOD                                                                     |
 |      12           |       4           |  __EMCPPLP                                                                      |
 |      16           |       4           |  __EMBUFP                                                                       |
 |      20           |       4           |  __reserv1                                                                      |
 |      24           |       4           |  __reserv2                                                                      |

 | Aggregate map for: struct __S99rbx                                                     Total size: 36 bytes             |
 |__S99rbx_t                                                                                                               |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       6           |  __S99EID[6]                                                                    |
 |       6           |       1           |  __S99EVER                                                                      |
 |       7           |       1           |  __S99EOPTS                                                                     |
 |       8           |       1           |  __S99ESUBP                                                                     |
 |       9           |       1           |  __S99EKEY                                                                      |
 |      10           |       1           |  __S99EMGSV                                                                     |
 |      11           |       1           |  __S99ENMSG                                                                     |
 |      12           |       4           |  __S99ECPPL                                                                     |
 |      16           |       1           |  __reserved                                                                     |
 |      17           |       1           |  __S99ERES                                                                      |
 |      18           |       1           |  __S99ERCO                                                                      |
 |      19           |       1           |  __S99ERCF                                                                      |
 |      20           |       4           |  __S99EWRC                                                                      |
 |      24           |       4           |  __S99EMSGP                                                                     |
 |      28           |       2           |  __S99EERR                                                                      |
 |      30           |       2           |  __S99EINFO                                                                     |
 |      32           |       4           |  __reserv2                                                                      |
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                                   * * * * *   S T R U C T U R E   M A P S   * * * * *

 | Aggregate map for: _Packed struct __S99rbx                                             Total size: 36 bytes             |
 |_Packed __S99rbx_t                                                                                                       |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       6           |  __S99EID[6]                                                                    |
 |       6           |       1           |  __S99EVER                                                                      |
 |       7           |       1           |  __S99EOPTS                                                                     |
 |       8           |       1           |  __S99ESUBP                                                                     |
 |       9           |       1           |  __S99EKEY                                                                      |
 |      10           |       1           |  __S99EMGSV                                                                     |
 |      11           |       1           |  __S99ENMSG                                                                     |
 |      12           |       4           |  __S99ECPPL                                                                     |
 |      16           |       1           |  __reserved                                                                     |
 |      17           |       1           |  __S99ERES                                                                      |
 |      18           |       1           |  __S99ERCO                                                                      |
 |      19           |       1           |  __S99ERCF                                                                      |
 |      20           |       4           |  __S99EWRC                                                                      |
 |      24           |       4           |  __S99EMSGP                                                                     |
 |      28           |       2           |  __S99EERR                                                                      |
 |      30           |       2           |  __S99EINFO                                                                     |
 |      32           |       4           |  __reserv2                                                                      |

 | Aggregate map for: struct __S99struc                                                   Total size: 20 bytes             |
 |__S99parms                                                                                                               |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       1           |  __S99RBLN                                                                      |
 |       1           |       1           |  __S99VERB                                                                      |
 |       2           |       2           |  __S99FLAG1                                                                     |
 |       4           |       2           |  __S99ERROR                                                                     |
 |       6           |       2           |  __S99INFO                                                                      |
 |       8           |       4           |  __S99TXTPP                                                                     |
 |      12           |       4           |  __S99S99X                                                                      |
 |      16           |       4           |  __S99FLAG2                                                                     |

 | Aggregate map for: _Packed struct __S99struc                                           Total size: 20 bytes             |
 |_Packed __S99parms                                                                                                       |
 |      Offset       |      Length       | Member Name                                                                     |
 |    Bytes(Bits)    |    Bytes(Bits)    |                                                                                 |
 |       0           |       1           |  __S99RBLN                                                                      |
 |       1           |       1           |  __S99VERB                                                                      |
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                                   * * * * *   S T R U C T U R E   M A P S   * * * * *
 |       2           |       2           |  __S99FLAG1                                                                     |
 |       4           |       2           |  __S99ERROR                                                                     |
 |       6           |       2           |  __S99INFO                                                                      |
 |       8           |       4           |  __S99TXTPP                                                                     |
 |      12           |       4           |  __S99S99X                                                                      |
 |      16           |       4           |  __S99FLAG2                                                                     |

                            * * * * *   E N D   O F   S T R U C T U R E   M A P S   * * * * *

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                              * * * * *   M E S S A G E   S U M M A R Y   * * * * *

         Total            Informational(00)          Warning(10)          Error(30)            Severe Error(40)

           0                    0                        0                   0                        0
                         * * * * *   E N D   O F   M E S S A G E   S U M M A R Y   * * * * *
15650ZOS V2.1.1 z/OS XL C                 'CBC.SCCNSAM(CCNUAAM)'                    07/17/2014 05:06:07   Page    28

                      Inline Report (Summary)

   Reason:    P : noinline was specified for this routine
              F : inline was specified for this routine
              C : compact was specified for this routine
              M : This is an inline member routine
              A : Automatic inlining
              - : No reason
   Action:    I : Routine is inlined at least once
              L : Routine is initially too large to be inlined
              T : Routine expands too large to be inlined
              C : Candidate for inlining but not inlined
              N : No direct calls to routine are found in file (no action)
              U : Some calls not inlined due to recursion or parameter mismatch
              - : No action
   Status:    D : Internal routine is discarded
              R : A direct call remains to internal routine (cannot discard)
              A : Routine has its address taken (cannot discard)
              E : External routine (cannot discard)
              - : Status unchanged
   Calls/I      : Number of calls to defined routines / Number inline
   Called/I     : Number of times called / Number of times inlined

   Reason  Action  Status   Size (init)    Calls/I   Called/I     Name

      A      N       E      72    (50)       2/2       0/0        main
      A      I       E      11               0/0       2/2        convert

  Mode = AUTO    Inlining Threshold = 100    Expansion Limit = 1000                   
15650ZOS V2.1.1 z/OS XL C                 'CBC.SCCNSAM(CCNUAAM)'                    07/17/2014 05:06:07   Page    29

                      Inline Report (Call Structure)

   Defined Function     : main
       Calls To(2,2)    : convert (2,2)
    Called From         : 0

   Defined Function     : convert
       Calls To         : 0
    Called From(2,2)    : main (2,2)

15650ZOS V2.1.1 z/OS XL C                 'CBC.SCCNSAM(CCNUAAM)'                    07/17/2014 05:06:07   Page    30


                           Timestamp and Version Information
 000000  F2F0  F1F4                                          =C'2014'           Compiled Year
 000004  F0F7  F1F7                                          =C'0717'           Compiled Date MMDD
 000008  F0F5  F0F6  F0F7                                    =C'050607'         Compiled Time HHMMSS
 00000E  F0F2  F0F1  F0F1                                    =C'020101'         Compiler Version 

 000014  0070  ****                                          AL2(112),C'...'    Saved Options String
                           Timestamp and Version End

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                           000001 |       *  #include <stdio.h>
                           000002 |       *
                           000003 |       *  #include "ccnuaan.h"
                           000004 |       *
                           000005 |       *  void convert(double);
                           000006 |       *
                           000007 |       *  int main(int argc, char **argv)
                           000008 |       *  {
                           000009 |       *      double c_temp;
                           000010 |       *
                           000011 |       *      if (argc == 1) {  /* get Celsius value from stdin */
                           000012 |       *         int ch;
                           000013 |       *
                           000014 |       *         printf("Enter Celsius temperature: \n");                    
000015 |       *
                           000016 |       *         if (scanf("%f", &c_temp) != 1) {
                           000017 |       *            printf("You must enter a valid temperature\n");
                           000018 |       *         }
                           000019 |       *         else {
                           000020 |       *            convert(c_temp);
                           000021 |       *         }
                           000022 |       *      }
                           000023 |       *      else {  /* convert the command-line arguments to Fahrenheit */
                           000024 |       *         int i;
                           000025 |       *
                           000026 |       *         for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
                           000027 |       *             if (sscanf(argv[i] "%f", &c_temp) != 1)
                           000028 |       *                printf("%s is not a valid temperature\n",argv[i];
                           000029 |       *             else
                           000030 |       *                convert(c_temp);
                           000031 |       *         }
                           000032 |       *      }
                           000033 |       *      return 0;
                           000034 |       *  }
                           000035 |       *
                           000036 |       *  void convert(double c_temp) {
 000088                    000036 |        convert  DS       0D
 000088  47F0  F024        000036 |                 B        36(,r15)
 00008C  01C3C5C5                                            CEE eyecatcher
 000090  00000108                                            DSA size
 000094  00000338                                            =A(PPA1-convert)
 000098  47F0  F001        000036 |                 B        1(,r15)
 00009C  58F0  C31C        000036 |                 L        r15,796(,r12)
 0000A0  184E              000036 |                 LR       r4,r14
 0000A2  05EF              000036 |                 BALR     r14,r15
 0000A4  00000000                                            =F'0'
 0000A8  A7F4  000C        000036 |                 J        *+24
 0000AC  90E5  D00C        000036 |                 STM      r14,r5,12(r13)
 0000B0  58E0  D04C        000036 |                 L        r14,76(,r13)
 0000B4  4100  E108        000036 |                 LA       r0,264(,r14)
 0000B8  5500  C314        000036 |                 CL       r0,788(,r12)
 0000BC  A724  FFF0        000036 |                 JH       *-32
 0000C0  58F0  C280        000036 |                 L        r15,640(,r12)
 0000C4  90F0  E048        000036 |                 STM      r15,r0,72(r14)
 0000C8  9210  E000        000036 |                 MVI      0(r14),16
 0000CC  50D0  E004        000036 |                 ST       r13,4(,r14)
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 0000D0  18DE              000036 |                 LR       r13,r14
 0000D2  C030  0000  002F  000036 |                 LARL     r3,F'47'
 0000D8                    End of Prolog

 0000D8  C050  0000  0128  000000 |                 LARL     r5,F'296'
 0000DE  5010  D100        000036 |                 ST       r1,#SR_PARM_2(,r13,256)
                           000037 |       *     double f_temp = (c_temp * CONV + OFFSET);
 0000E2  5810  D100        000037 |                 L        r1,#SR_PARM_2(,r13,256)
 0000E6  6800  1000        000037 |                 LD       f0,c_temp(,r1,0)
 0000EA  6820  5000        000037 |                 LD       f2,+CONSTANT_AREA(,r5,0)
 0000EE  2C02              000037 |                 MDR      f0,f2
 0000F0  2820              000037 |                 LDR      f2,f0
 0000F2  6800  5008        000037 |                 LD       f0,+CONSTANT_AREA(,r5,8)
 0000F6  2A20              000037 |                 ADR      f2,f0
 0000F8  2802              000037 |                 LDR      f0,f2
 0000FA  6000  D0F8        000037 |                 STD      f0,f_temp(,r13,248)
                           000038 |       *     printf("%5.2f Celsius is %5.2f Fahrenheit\n",c_temp, f_temp);
 0000FE  5810  D100        000038 |                 L        r1,#SR_PARM_2(,r13,256)
 000102  6820  1000        000038 |                 LD       f2,c_temp(,r1,0)
 000106  6020  D0E4        000038 |                 STD      f2,#MX_TEMP2(,r13,228)
 00010A  6000  D0EC        000038 |                 STD      f0,#MX_TEMP2(,r13,236)
 00010E  58F0  3000        000038 |                 L        r15,=V(PRINTF)(,r3,0)
 000112  4100  5010        000038 |                 LA       r0,+CONSTANT_AREA(,r5,16)
 000116  4110  D0E0        000038 |                 LA       r1,#MX_TEMP2(,r13,224)
 00011A  5000  D0E0        000038 |                 ST       r0,#MX_TEMP2(,r13,224)
 00011E  0DEF              000038 |                 BASR     r14,r15
                           000039 |       *  }
 000120                    000039 |        @2L11    DS       0H

 000120                    Start of Epilog
 000120  58D0  D004        000039 |                 L        r13,4(,r13)
 000124  58E0  D00C        000039 |                 L        r14,12(,r13)
 000128  9825  D01C        000039 |                 LM       r2,r5,28(r13)
 00012C  051E              000039 |                 BALR     r1,r14
 00012E  0707              000039 |                 NOPR     7

 000130                    Start of Literals
 000130  00000000                                            =V(PRINTF)
 000134                    End of Literals

                           ***   General purpose registers used: 1101110000001111
                           ***   Floating point  registers used: 1111111100000000
                           ***   Size of register spill area: 128(max) 0(used)
                           ***   Size of dynamic storage: 264
                           ***   Size of executable code: 168
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                           000007 |       *  int main(int argc, char **argv)
 000138                    000007 |        main     DS       0D
 000138  47F0  F024        000007 |                 B        36(,r15)
 00013C  01C3C5C5                                            CEE eyecatcher
 000140  00000118                                            DSA size
 000144  000002D0                                            =A(PPA1-main)
 000148  47F0  F001        000007 |                 B        1(,r15)
 00014C  58F0  C31C        000007 |                 L        r15,796(,r12)
 000150  184E              000007 |                 LR       r4,r14
 000152  05EF              000007 |                 BALR     r14,r15
 000154  00000000                                            =F'0'
 000158  A7F4  000C        000007 |                 J        *+24
 00015C  90E5  D00C        000007 |                 STM      r14,r5,12(r13)
 000160  58E0  D04C        000007 |                 L        r14,76(,r13)
 000164  4100  E118        000007 |                 LA       r0,280(,r14)
 000168  5500  C314        000007 |                 CL       r0,788(,r12)
 00016C  A724  FFF0        000007 |                 JH       *-32
 000170  58F0  C280        000007 |                 L        r15,640(,r12)
 000174  90F0  E048        000007 |                 STM      r15,r0,72(r14)
 000178  9210  E000        000007 |                 MVI      0(r14),16
 00017C  50D0  E004        000007 |                 ST       r13,4(,r14)
 000180  18DE              000007 |                 LR       r13,r14
 000182  C030  0000  00CA  000007 |                 LARL     r3,F'202'
 000188                    End of Prolog

 000188  C050  0000  00D0  000000 |                 LARL     r5,F'208'
 00018E  5010  D104        000007 |                 ST       r1,#SR_PARM_1(,r13,260)
                           000008 |       *  {
                           000009 |       *      double c_temp;
                           000010 |       *
                           000011 |       *      if (argc == 1) {  /* get Celsius value from stdin */
 000192  5810  D104        000011 |                 L        r1,#SR_PARM_1(,r13,260)
 000196  5800  1000        000011 |                 L        r0,argc(,r1,0)
 00019A  A70E  0001        000011 |                 CHI      r0,H'1'
 00019E  A774  0047        000011 |                 JNE      @1L1
                           000012 |       *         int ch;
                           000013 |       *
                           000014 |       *         printf("Enter Celsius temperature: \n");
 0001A2  58F0  3002        000014 |                 L        r15,=V(PRINTF)(,r3,2)
 0001A6  4100  5033        000014 |                 LA       r0,+CONSTANT_AREA(,r5,51)
 0001AA  4110  D0E0        000014 |                 LA       r1,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,224)
 0001AE  5000  D0E0        000014 |                 ST       r0,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,224)
 0001B2  0DEF              000014 |                 BASR     r14,r15
                           000015 |       *
                           000016 |       *         if (scanf("%f", &c_temp) != 1) {
 0001B4  4100  D0F8        000016 |                 LA       r0,c_temp(,r13,248)
 0001B8  58F0  3006        000016 |                 L        r15,=V(SCANF)(,r3,6)
 0001BC  4120  5050        000016 |                 LA       r2,+CONSTANT_AREA(,r5,80)
 0001C0  4110  D0E0        000016 |                 LA       r1,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,224)
 0001C4  5020  D0E0        000016 |                 ST       r2,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,224)
 0001C8  5000  D0E4        000016 |                 ST       r0,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,228)
 0001CC  0DEF              000016 |                 BASR     r14,r15
 0001CE  180F              000016 |                 LR       r0,r15
 0001D0  A70E  0001        000016 |                 CHI      r0,H'1'
 0001D4  A784  000D        000016 |                 JE       @1L2
                           000017 |       *            printf("You must enter a valid temperature\n");               
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 0001D8  58F0  3002        000017 |                 L        r15,=V(PRINTF)(,r3,2)
 0001DC  4100  5053        000017 |                 LA       r0,+CONSTANT_AREA(,r5,83)
 0001E0  4110  D0E0        000017 |                 LA       r1,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,224)
 0001E4  5000  D0E0        000017 |                 ST       r0,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,224)
 0001E8  0DEF              000017 |                 BASR     r14,r15
 0001EA  A7F4  001F        000017 |                 J        @1L3
 0001EE                    000017 |        @1L2     DS       0H
                           000018 |       *         }
                           000019 |       *         else {
                           000020 |       *            convert(c_temp);
 0001EE  6800  D0F8        000020 |                 LD       f0,c_temp(,r13,248)
 0001F2  6000  D108        000036 |                 STD      f0,c_temp%2=>1(,r13,264)
 0001F6  6820  5000        000037 |       +         LD       f2,+CONSTANT_AREA(,r5,0)
 0001FA  2C02              000037 |       +         MDR      f0,f2
 0001FC  2820              000037 |       +         LDR      f2,f0
 0001FE  6800  5008        000037 |       +         LD       f0,+CONSTANT_AREA(,r5,8)
 000202  2A20              000037 |       +         ADR      f2,f0
 000204  2802              000037 |       +         LDR      f0,f2
 000206  6000  D110        000037 |       +         STD      f0,f_temp%2=>1(,r13,272)
 00020A  6820  D108        000038 |       +         LD       f2,c_temp%2=>1(,r13,264)
 00020E  6020  D0E4        000038 |       +         STD      f2,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,228)
 000212  6000  D0EC        000038 |       +         STD      f0,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,236)
 000216  58F0  3002        000038 |       +         L        r15,=V(PRINTF)(,r3,2)
 00021A  4100  5010        000038 |       +         LA       r0,+CONSTANT_AREA(,r5,16)
 00021E  4110  D0E0        000038 |       +         LA       r1,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,224)
 000222  5000  D0E0        000038 |       +         ST       r0,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,224)
 000226  0DEF              000038 |       +         BASR     r14,r15
 000228                    000039 |       +@1L12    DS       0H
 000228                    000020 |        @1L3     DS       0H
 000228  A7F4  006C        000020 |                 J        @1L4
 00022C                    000020 |        @1L1     DS       0H
                           000021 |       *         }
                           000022 |       *      }
                           000023 |       *      else {  /* convert the command-line arguments to Fahrenheit */
                           000024 |       *         int i;
                           000025 |       *
                           000026 |       *         for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
 00022C  4110  0001        000026 |                 LA       r1,1
 000230  5010  D100        000026 |                 ST       r1,i(,r13,256)
 000234  5820  D104        000026 |                 L        r2,#SR_PARM_1(,r13,260)
 000238  5800  2000        000026 |                 L        r0,argc(,r2,0)
 00023C  1901              000026 |                 CR       r0,r1
 00023E  A7D4  0061        000026 |                 JNH      @1L6
 000242                    000026 |        @1L5     DS       0H
                           000027 |       *             if (sscanf(argv[i] "%f", &c_temp) != 1)
 000242  5810  D104        000027 |                 L        r1,#SR_PARM_1(,r13,260)
 000246  5810  1004        000027 |                 L        r1,argv(,r1,4)
 00024A  5820  D100        000027 |                 L        r2,i(,r13,256)
 00024E  8920  0002        000027 |                 SLL      r2,2
 000252  5822  1000        000027 |                 L        r2,(*)uchar*(r2,r1,0)
 000256  4100  D0F8        000027 |                 LA       r0,c_temp(,r13,248)
 00025A  58F0  300A        000027 |                 L        r15,=V(SSCANF)(,r3,10)
 00025E  4110  D0E0        000027 |                 LA       r1,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,224)
 000262  5020  D0E0        000027 |                 ST       r2,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,224)
 000266  4120  5050        000027 |                 LA       r2,+CONSTANT_AREA(,r5,80)
 00026A  5020  D0E4        000027 |                 ST       r2,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,228)
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 00026E  5000  D0E8        000027 |                 ST       r0,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,232)
 000272  0DEF              000027 |                 BASR     r14,r15
 000274  180F              000027 |                 LR       r0,r15
 000276  A70E  0001        000027 |                 CHI      r0,H'1'
 00027A  A784  0019        000027 |                 JE       @1L7
                           000028 |       *                printf("%s is not a valid temperature\n",argv[i];
 00027E  5810  D104        000028 |                 L        r1,#SR_PARM_1(,r13,260)
 000282  5810  1004        000028 |                 L        r1,argv(,r1,4)
 000286  5820  D100        000028 |                 L        r2,i(,r13,256)
 00028A  8920  0002        000028 |                 SLL      r2,2
 00028E  5802  1000        000028 |                 L        r0,(*)uchar*(r2,r1,0)
 000292  58F0  3002        000028 |                 L        r15,=V(PRINTF)(,r3,2)
 000296  4120  5077        000028 |                 LA       r2,+CONSTANT_AREA(,r5,119)
 00029A  4110  D0E0        000028 |                 LA       r1,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,224)
 00029E  5020  D0E0        000028 |                 ST       r2,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,224)
 0002A2  5000  D0E4        000028 |                 ST       r0,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,228)
 0002A6  0DEF              000028 |                 BASR     r14,r15
 0002A8  A7F4  001F        000028 |                 J        @1L8
 0002AC                    000028 |        @1L7     DS       0H
                           000029 |       *             else
                           000030 |       *                convert(c_temp);
 0002AC  6800  D0F8        000030 |                 LD       f0,c_temp(,r13,248)
 0002B0  6000  D108        000036 |                 STD      f0,c_temp%2=>1(,r13,264)
 0002B4  6820  5000        000037 |       +         LD       f2,+CONSTANT_AREA(,r5,0)
 0002B8  2C02              000037 |       +         MDR      f0,f2
 0002BA  2820              000037 |       +         LDR      f2,f0
 0002BC  6800  5008        000037 |       +         LD       f0,+CONSTANT_AREA(,r5,8)
 0002C0  2A20              000037 |       +         ADR      f2,f0
 0002C2  2802              000037 |       +         LDR      f0,f2
 0002C4  6000  D110        000037 |       +         STD      f0,f_temp%2=>1(,r13,272)
 0002C8  6820  D108        000038 |       +         LD       f2,c_temp%2=>1(,r13,264)
 0002CC  6020  D0E4        000038 |       +         STD      f2,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,228)
 0002D0  6000  D0EC        000038 |       +         STD      f0,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,236)
 0002D4  58F0  3002        000038 |       +         L        r15,=V(PRINTF)(,r3,2)
 0002D8  4100  5010        000038 |       +         LA       r0,+CONSTANT_AREA(,r5,16)
 0002DC  4110  D0E0        000038 |       +         LA       r1,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,224)
 0002E0  5000  D0E0        000038 |       +         ST       r0,#MX_TEMP1(,r13,224)
 0002E4  0DEF              000038 |       +         BASR     r14,r15
 0002E6                    000039 |       +@1L13    DS       0H
 0002E6                    000030 |        @1L8     DS       0H
 0002E6  5810  D100        000026 |                 L        r1,i(,r13,256)
 0002EA  A71A  0001        000026 |                 AHI      r1,H'1'
 0002EE  5010  D100        000026 |                 ST       r1,i(,r13,256)
 0002F2  5820  D104        000026 |                 L        r2,#SR_PARM_1(,r13,260)
 0002F6  5800  2000        000026 |                 L        r0,argc(,r2,0)
 0002FA  1901              000026 |                 CR       r0,r1
 0002FC  A724  FFA3        000026 |                 JH       @1L5
 000300                    000026 |        @1L6     DS       0H
 000300                    000026 |        @1L4     DS       0H
                           000031 |       *         }
                           000032 |       *      }
                           000033 |       *      return 0;
 000300  41F0  0000        000033 |                 LA       r15,0
                           000034 |       *  }
 000304                    000034 |        @1L10    DS       0H
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 000304                    Start of Epilog
 000304  180D              000034 |                 LR       r0,r13
 000306  58D0  D004        000034 |                 L        r13,4(,r13)
 00030A  58E0  D00C        000034 |                 L        r14,12(,r13)
 00030E  9825  D01C        000034 |                 LM       r2,r5,28(r13)
 000312  051E              000034 |                 BALR     r1,r14
 000314  0707              000034 |                 NOPR     7
 000316  0000

 000318                    Start of Literals
 000318  00000000                                            =V(PRINTF)
 00031C  00000000                                            =V(SCANF)
 000320  00000000                                            =V(SSCANF)
 000324                    End of Literals

                           ***   General purpose registers used: 1111110000001111
                           ***   Floating point  registers used: 1111111100000000
                           ***   Size of register spill area: 128(max) 0(used)
                           ***   Size of dynamic storage: 280
                           ***   Size of executable code: 478

 000324  0000  0000

                           Constant Area
 000328  411CCCCC CCCCCCCC 42200000 00000000    |................|
 000338  6CF54BF2 8640C385 93A289A4 A24089A2    |%5.2f Celsius is|
 000348  406CF54B F28640C6 81889985 95888589    | %5.2f Fahrenhei|
 000358  A31500C5 95A38599 40C38593 A289A4A2    |t..Enter Celsius|
 000368  40A38594 97859981 A3A49985 7A401500    | temperature: ..|
 000378  6C8600E8 96A44094 A4A2A340 8595A385    |%f.You must ente|
 000388  99408140 A5819389 8440A385 94978599    |r a valid temper|
 000398  81A3A499 8515006C A24089A2 409596A3    |ature..%s is not|
 0003A8  408140A5 81938984 40A38594 97859981    | a valid tempera|
 0003B8  A3A49985 1500                          |ture..          |
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                           PPA1: Entry Point Constants
 0003C0  1CCEA106                                            =F'483303686'      Flags
 0003C4  000003C0                                            =A(PPA2-convert)
 0003C8  00000000                                            =F'0'              No PPA3
 0003CC  00000000                                            =F'0'              No EPD
 0003D0  FF000000                                            =F'-16777216'      Register save mask
 0003D4  00000000                                            =F'0'              Member flags
 0003D8  90                                                  =AL1(144)          Flags
 0003D9  000000                                              =AL3(0)            Callee's DSA use/8
 0003DC  0040                                                =H'64'             Flags
 0003DE  0012                                                =H'18'             Offset/2 to CDL
 0003E0  00000000                                            =F'0'              Reserved
 0003E4  50000054                                            =F'1342177364'     CDL function length/2
 0003E8  FFFFFCC8                                            =F'-824'           CDL function EP offset
 0003EC  38280000                                            =F'942145536'      CDL prolog
 0003F0  4008004C                                            =F'1074266188'     CDL epilog
 0003F4  00000000                                            =F'0'              CDL end
 0003F8  0007  ****                                          AL2(7),C'convert'
                           PPA1 End

                           PPA1: Entry Point Constants
 000408  1CCEA106                                            =F'483303686'      Flags
 00040C  00000310                                            =A(PPA2-main)
 000410  00000000                                            =F'0'              No PPA3
 000414  00000000                                            =F'0'              No EPD
 000418  FF000000                                            =F'-16777216'      Register save mask
 00041C  00000000                                            =F'0'              Member flags
 000420  90                                                  =AL1(144)          Flags
 000421  000000                                              =AL3(0)            Callee's DSA use/8
 000424  0040                                                =H'64'             Flags
 000426  0012                                                =H'18'             Offset/2 to CDL
 000428  00000000                                            =F'0'              Reserved
 00042C  500000EF                                            =F'1342177519'     CDL function length/2
 000430  FFFFFD30                                            =F'-720'           CDL function EP offset
 000434  38280000                                            =F'942145536'      CDL prolog
 000438  400900E6                                            =F'1074331878'     CDL epilog
 00043C  00000000                                            =F'0'              CDL end
 000440  0004  ****                                          AL2(4),C'main'
                           PPA1 End

                           PPA2: Compile Unit Block
 000448  0300  2203                                          =F'50340355'       Flags
 00044C  FFFF  FBB8                                          =A(CEESTART-PPA2)
 000450  0000  0000                                          =F'0'              No PPA4
 000454  FFFF  FBB8                                          =A(TIMESTMP-PPA2)
 000458  0000  0000                                          =F'0'              No primary
 00045C  0200  0000                                          =F'33554432'       Flags
                           PPA2 End
15650ZOS V2.1.1 z/OS XL C                 'CBC.SCCNSAM(CCNUAAM)'                    07/17/2014 05:06:07   Page    38

                                   E X T E R N A L   S Y M B O L   D I C T I O N A R Y

           NAME        TYPE  ID  ADDR    LENGTH            NAME        TYPE  ID  ADDR    LENGTH

                        PC    1 000000   000460            CONVERT      LD    0 000088   000001
           MAIN         LD    0 000138   000001            CEESG003     ER    2 000000
           PRINTF       ER    3 000000                     SCANF        ER    4 000000
           SSCANF       ER    5 000000                     CEESTART     ER    6 000000
           CEEMAIN      SD    7 000000   00000C            EDCINPL      ER    8 000000
           MAIN         ER    9 000000
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                             E X T E R N A L   S Y M B O L   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E

           ORIGINAL NAME                                   EXTERNAL SYMBOL NAME

           convert                                         CONVERT
           main                                            MAIN
           CEESG003                                        CEESG003
           printf                                          PRINTF
           scanf                                           SCANF
           sscanf                                          SSCANF
           CEESTART                                        CEESTART
           CEEMAIN                                         CEEMAIN
           EDCINPL                                         EDCINPL
15650ZOS V2.1.1 z/OS XL C                 'CBC.SCCNSAM(CCNUAAM)'                    07/17/2014 05:06:07   Page    40

                                * * * * *   S T O R A G E   O F F S E T   L I S T I N G   * * * * *


 argc                7-0:7           Class = parameter,           Location = 0(r1),                             Length = 4

 argv                7-0:7           Class = parameter,           Location = 4(r1),                             Length = 4

 c_temp              9-0:9           Class = automatic,           Location = 248(r13),                          Length = 8

 i                   24-0:24         Class = automatic,           Location = 256(r13),                          Length = 4

 c_temp              36-0:36         Class = parameter,           Location = 0(r1),                             Length = 8

 f_temp              37-0:37         Class = automatic,           Location = 248(r13),                          Length = 8

                          * * * * *   E N D   O F   S T O R A G E   O F F S E T   L I S T I N G   * * * * *

                              * * * * *   E N D   O F   C O M P I L A T I O N   * * * * *