Using the system programming C facilities

This topic explains how to use the system programming C (SPC) facilities with z/OS® XL C.
  1. Using the system programming C facilities, by programs which have been compiled with z/OS XL C++ is not supported.
  2. IPA is not supported in an SPC environment unless there is a main() function present.
  3. XPLINK is not supported by the SPC facilities.
  4. AMODE 64 applications are not supported by the SPC facilities.

When z/OS XL C applications are compiled, many routines are needed to support the z/OS XL C environment that are not included in your executable. These routines, which are in z/OS Language Environment®, are dynamically loaded at run time. This reduces the size of the program to its practical minimum and provides for the sharing of z/OS XL C library code by allowing its placement in Extended Link Pack Areas.

z/OS Language Environment provides facilities to set up the environment, handle termination, provide storage management, error handling, interlanguage calls and debugging support. Also, the C library functions are provided with z/OS Language Environment. In situations where not all of these services are needed or available, or more control over the executive environment is required, the system programming C facilities can provide a reduced customizable environment for your application.

System programming facilities enable you to run applications without z/OS Language Environment or with just the z/OS XL C library functions available. You can:
Note: Using the decimal data type and its related functions (decabs(), decchk(), and decfix()) without z/OS Language Environment is not supported.