Listing Partitioned Data Set Members

This section contains code examples that demonstrate how you can create a list of all members in a Partitioned Data Set (PDS). Figure 1 shows the main routine (called CCNGIP1) and Figure 2 (CCNGIP2) is the associated header file.

Note: This information is included to aid you in such a task and is not programming interface information.
Figure 1. Example of Listing All Members of a PDS
/* this example shows how to create a list of members of a PDS */
/* part 1 of 2-other file is CCNGIP2 */
* NODE_PTR pds_mem(const char *pds):
* pds must be a fully qualified pds name, for example,
* ID.PDS.DATASET * returns a * pointer to a linked list of
* nodes.  Each node contains a member of the * pds and a
* pointer to the next node.  If no members exist, the pointer
* is NULL.
* Note:  Behavior is undefined if pds is the name of a sequential file.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ccngip2.h"

 * RECORD: each record of a pds will be read into one of these structures.
 *         The first 2 bytes is the record length, which is put into 'count',
 *         the remaining 254 bytes are put into rest. Each record is 256 bytes long.

#define RECLEN  254

typedef struct {
          unsigned short int count;
          char rest[RECLEN];
          } RECORD;

/* Local function prototypes   */

static int gen_node(NODE_PTR *node, RECORD *rec, NODE_PTR *last_ptr);
static char *add_name(NODE_PTR *node, char *name, NODE_PTR *last_ptr);

NODE_PTR pds_mem(const char *pds) {

  FILE *fp;
  int bytes;
  NODE_PTR node, last_ptr;
  RECORD rec;
  int list_end;
  char *qual_pds;

  node = NULL;
  last_ptr = NULL;

   * Allocate a new variable, qual_pds, which will be the same as pds, except
   * with single quotes around it, i.e. ID.PDS.DATASET ==> 'ID.PDS.DATA SET'

  qual_pds = (char *)malloc(strlen(pds) + 3);
  if (qual_pds == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed for %d bytes\n",strlen(pds) + 3);
   * Open the pds in binary read mode. The PDS directory will be read
   * record at a time until either the end of the directory or end-of-file
   * is detected. Call up gen_node() with every record read, to add
   * names to the linked list

  fp = fopen(qual_pds,"rb");
  if (fp == NULL)

{    bytes = fread(&rec, 1, sizeof(rec), fp);
    if ((bytes != sizeof(rec)) && !feof(fp)) {
      fprintf(stderr,"Failed in %s, line %d\n"
             "Expected to read %d bytes but read %d bytes\n",
              __FILE__,__LINE__,sizeof(rec), bytes);

    list_end = gen_node(&node,&rec, &last_ptr);

  } while (!feof(fp) && !list_end);
 * GEN_NODE() processes the record passed. The main loop scans through
 * record until it has read at least rec->count bytes, or a directory
 * marker is detected.
 * Each record has the form:
 * +------------+------+------+------+------+----------------+
 * + # of bytes ¦Member¦Member¦......¦Member¦  Unused        +
 * + in record  ¦  1   ¦  2   ¦      ¦  n   ¦                +
 * +------------+------+------+------+------+----------------+
 *  ¦--count---¦¦-----------------rest-----------------------¦
 *  (Note that the number stored in count includes its own
 *   two bytes)
 * And, each member has the form:
 * +--------+-------+----+-----------------------------------+
 * + Member ¦TTR    ¦info¦                                   +
 * + Name   ¦       ¦byte¦  User Data TTRN's (halfwords)     +
 * + 8 bytes¦3 bytes¦    ¦                                   +
 * +--------+-------+----+-----------------------------------+
#define TTRLEN 3      /* The TTR's are 3 bytes long */

 * bit 0 of the info-byte is '1' if the member is an alias,
 * 0 otherwise. ALIAS_MASK is used to extract this information
#define ALIAS_MASK ((unsigned int) 0x80)

 * The number of user data half-words is in bits 3-7 of the info byte.
 * SKIP_MASK is used to extract this information.  Since this number
 * in half-words, it needs to be double to obtain the number of bytes.
#define SKIP_MASK ((unsigned int) 0x1F)

 * 8 hex FF's mark the end of the directory

char *endmark = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF";
static int gen_node(NODE_PTR *node, RECORD *rec, NODE_PTR *last_ptr) {

   char *ptr, *name;
   int skip, count = 2;
   unsigned int info_byte, alias, ttrn;
   char ttr[TTRLEN];
   int list_end = 0;

   ptr = rec->rest;

   while(count < rec->count) {
     if (!memcmp(ptr,endmark,NAMELEN)) {
       list_end = 1;

     /* member name */
     name = ptr;
     ptr += NAMELEN;

     /* ttr */
     ptr += TTRLEN;

     /* info_byte */
     info_byte = (unsigned int) (*ptr);
     alias = info_byte & ALIAS_MASK;
     if (!alias) add_name(node,name,last_ptr);
     skip = (info_byte & SKIP_MASK) * 2 + 1;
     ptr += skip;
     count += (TTRLEN + NAMELEN + skip);
 * ADD_NAME: Add a new member name to the linked node. The new member is
 * added to the end so that the original ordering is maintained.

static char *add_name(NODE_PTR *node, char *name, NODE_PTR *last_ptr) {

  NODE_PTR newnode;

   * malloc space for the new node

  newnode = (NODE_PTR)malloc(sizeof(NODE));
  if (newnode == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed for %d bytes\n",sizeof(NODE));
  /* copy the name into the node and NULL terminate it */

  newnode->name[NAMELEN] = '\0';
  newnode->next = NULL;

   * add the new node to the linked list

  if (*last_ptr != NULL) {
    (*last_ptr)->next = newnode;
    *last_ptr = newnode;
  else {
    *node = newnode;
    *last_ptr = newnode;
 * FREE_MEM: This function is not used by pds_mem(), but it should be used
 * as soon as you are finished using the linked list. It frees the storage
 * allocated by the linked list.

void free_mem(NODE_PTR node) {

  NODE_PTR next_node=node;

  while (next_node != NULL) {
     next_node = node->next;
     node = next_node;

Figure 2 (CCNGIP2) shows the associated header file.

Figure 2. ccngip2.h Header file
/* this example shows how to create a list of members of a PDS */
/* part 2 of 2-other file is CCNGIP1 */
 * NODE: a pointer to this structure is returned from the call to pds_mem().
 * It is a linked list of character arrays - each array contains a member
 * name. Each next pointer points * to the next member, except the last
 * next member which points to NULL.

#define NAMELEN 8      /* Length of a MVS member name */

typedef struct node {
                      struct node *next;
                      char name[NAMELEN+1];
                    } NODE, *NODE_PTR;

NODE_PTR pds_mem(const char *pds);
void free_mem(NODE_PTR list);