Bitwise exclusive OR operator ^

The ^ (bitwise exclusive OR) operator compares each bit of its first operand to the corresponding bit of the second operand.
Note: vector double will not cause IEEE exception.
The following table lists the vector data types accepted as the operands, and the corresponding returned vector data types:
Table 1. Accepted vector data types for bitwise exclusive OR operator ^
Result types Left operand types Right operand types
vector bool char vector bool char vector bool char
vector signed char vector bool char vector signed char
vector signed char vector signed char
vector bool char
vector unsigned char vector bool char vector unsigned char
vector unsigned char vector unsigned char
vector bool char
vector bool short vector bool short vector vector bool short
vector signed short vector bool short vector signed short
vector signed short vector signed short
vector bool short
vector unsigned short vector bool short vector unsigned short
vector unsigned short vector unsigned short
vector bool short
vector bool int vector bool int vector bool int
vector signed int vector bool int vector signed int
vector signed int vector signed int
vector bool int
vector unsigned int vector bool int vector unsigned int
vector unsigned int vector unsigned int
vector bool int
vector bool long long vector bool long long vector bool long long
vector signed long long vector bool long long vector signed long long
vector signed long long vector signed long long
vector bool long long
vector unsigned long long vector bool long long vector unsigned long long
vector unsigned long long vector unsigned long long
vector bool long long
vector double vector bool long long vector double
vector double vector double
vector bool long long