Supplied ATLAS libraries and their corresponding header files

Note: In the subsequent names, replace * with any specific name (specific header file name or library file name).

The following main libraries are provided with ATLAS.

ATLAS main library

ATLAS main library contains ATLAS specific variants of the BLAS, CBLAS, and LAPACK routines.

Table 1. Sample interface routine provided: ATL_dgemm
Operation type Library name for zEC12/zBC12 Library name for z13 Library location Header files to be used with the library Header file location
Single threaded libatlas.arch10.a libatlas.arch11.a /usr/lpp/cbclib/lib/atlas various atlas_*.h /usr/lpp/cbclib/include/atlas
Multithreaded libtatlas.arch10.a libtatlas.arch11.a /usr/lpp/cbclib/lib/atlas various atlas_*.h /usr/lpp/cbclib/include/atlas

CBLAS library

CBLAS library contains the implementation of the C routines of the BLAS algorithms - also known as the CBLAS interface.

Table 2. Sample interface routine provided: cblas_dgemm
Operation type Library name for zEC12/zBC12 Library name for z13 Library location Header files to be used with the library Header file location
Single threaded libcblas.arch10.a libcblas.arch11.a /usr/lpp/cbclib/lib/atlas cblas.h /usr/lpp/cbclib/include/atlas
Multithreaded libtcblas.arch10.a libtcblas.arch11.a /usr/lpp/cbclib/lib/atlas cblas.h /usr/lpp/cbclib/include/atlas

LAPACK library

LAPACK library contains the implementation of the C routines of the LAPACK algorithms - also known as the CLAPACK interface.

Table 3. Sample interface routine provided: clapack_dgesv
Operation type Library name for zEC12/zBC12 Library name for z13 Library location Header files to be used with the library Header file location
Single threaded liblapack.arch10.a liblapack.arch11.a /usr/lpp/cbclib/lib/atlas clapack.h /usr/lpp/cbclib/include/atlas
Multithreaded libtlapack.arch10.a libtlapack.arch11.a /usr/lpp/cbclib/lib/atlas clapack.h /usr/lpp/cbclib/include/atlas

Fortran BLAS library

Fortran BLAS library contains the implementation of the Fortran 77 routines of the BLAS algorithms - also known as the BLAS interface.

Table 4. Sample interface routine provided: dgemm_
Operation type Library name for zEC12/zBC12 Library name for z13 Library location Header files to be used with the library Header file location
Single threaded lib77blas.arch10.a lib77blas.arch11.a /usr/lpp/cbclib/lib/atlas various atlas_*f77*.h /usr/lpp/cbclib/include/atlas
Multithreaded libt77blas.arch10.a libt77blas.arch11.a /usr/lpp/cbclib/lib/atlas various atlas_*f77*.h /usr/lpp/cbclib/include/atlas
  1. For each of the above mentioned base libraries, the single-threaded and multi-threaded versions of the same base library contain the same list of functions.
  2. Only static libraries are provided.
  3. The libraries will archive 31-bit C linkage, 31-bit XPLink C linkage, and 64-bit C linkage objects. The linker, based on supplied options and/or environment variables will choose the appropriate archive members of specified libraries.