Type-based aliasing

The compiler follows the type-based aliasing rule in the C and C++ standards when the ANSIALIAS option is in effect (which it is by default). This rule, also known as the ANSI aliasing rule, states that a pointer can only be dereferenced to an object of the same type or a compatible type. 1

The common coding practice of casting a pointer to an incompatible type and then dereferencing it violates this rule. (Note that char pointers are an exception to this rule) Refer to the description of the ANSIALIAS option in the z/OS® XL C/C++ User's Guide for additional information.

The compiler uses the type-based aliasing information to perform optimizations to the generated code. Contravening the type-based aliasing rule can lead to unexpected behavior, as demonstrated in the following example:
   int *p;
   double d = 0.0;

   int *faa(double *g);         /* cast operator inside the function   */

   void foo(double f) {
       p = faa(&f);             /* turning &f into an int ptr     */
       f += 1.0;                /* The optimizer might move the  */
                                /* assignment after the printf statement. */
       printf("f=%x\n", *p);

   int *faa(double *g) { return (int*) g; }   /* questionable cast;       */
                                              /* the function can be in   */
                                              /* another translation unit */

   int main() {
In the above printf statement, *p cannot be dereferenced to a double under the ANSI aliasing rule. The compiler determines that the result of f += 1.0 does not affect the value of *p. Thus, the optimizer might move the assignment after the printf statement. If you compile the above example with optimization enabled, the printf statement might output 0 (zero).
1 The C Standard states that an object shall have its stored value accessed only by an lvalue that has one of the following types: The C++ standard states that if a program attempts to access the stored value of an object through an lvalue of other than one of the following types, the behavior is undefined: