BPXZOCVT — Base control block for z/OS UNIX

BPXZOCVT maps addresses of common areas for use by z/OS® UNIX subcomponents. Only the following fields are externally documented. All other fields are reserved for IBM® use only.
  • OcvtKernelReady
            BPXZOCVT   ,                                                        
OCVT         DSECT ,                                                            
             DS    CL60                                                         
OCVTFLGS     DS    0FL4                Offset +3C                               
OCVTFLGSB1   DS    0BL1                Offset +3C                               
OCVTKERNELREADY EQU X'20'     z/OS UNIX Kernel Ready to accept system calls           
         ORG   OCVTFLGSB1+X'00000001'                                           
OCVTFLGSB2   DS    1BL1                                                         
OCVTFLGSB3   DS    1BL1                                                         
OCVTFLGSB4   DS    1BL1                                                         
         ORG   OCVTFLGS+X'00000004'                                             
             DS    CL680                                                        
OCVTUIWRWCDS DS    CL8                 Offset +2E8