BPXYUTSN — Map the response structure for uname

            BPXYUTSN   ,                                                        
** BPXYUTSN: uname() structure                                                  
**  Used By: UNA                                                                
UTSN                 DSECT ,                                                    
UTSNAMESYSNAMELEN    DS    F      Length of UTSNAMESYSNAME string               
UTSNAMESYSNAME       DS    CL16   Name of this implementation of the            
*                                 operating system (MVS)                        
UTSNAMENODENAMELEN   DS    F      Length of UTSNAMENODENAME string              
UTSNAMENODENAME      DS    CL32   Name of this node within the                  
*                                 communications network                        
UTSNAMERELEASELEN    DS    F      Length of UTSNAMERELEASE string               
UTSNAMERELEASE       DS    CL8    Current release level of this                 
*                                 implementation                                
UTSNAMEVERSIONLEN    DS    F      Length of UTSNAMEVERSION string               
UTSNAMEVERSION       DS    CL8    Current version level of this release         
UTSNAMEMACHINELEN    DS    F      Length of UTSNAMEMACHINE string               
UTSNAMEMACHINE       DS    CL16   Name of the hardware type on which            
*                                 the system is running                         
UTSN#LENGTH          EQU   *-UTSN Length of this structure