BPXYSSTF — Map response structure for file system status

            BPXYSSTF   ,                                                        
** BPXYSSTF: file system status response structure                              
**  Used By: STF STV FTV VSF                                                    
SSTF                 DSECT ,                                                    
SSTFID               DC    C'SSTF'  EBCDIC ID - SSTF (f_OEcbid)                 
SSTFLEN              DC    A(SSTF#LENGTH)  Length of SSTF (f_OEcblen)           
SSTFBLOCKSIZE        DS    F      Block size (f_bsize)                          
                     DS    F      Reserved                                      
SSTFDBLTOTSPACE      DS    0D     Name of dblword field - total                 
                     DS    F      Reserved                                      
SSTFTOTALSPACE       DS    F      Total space. The total number of     X        
                                  blocks on file system in units of    X        
                                  f_frsize (f_blocks)                           
SSTFDBLUSEDSPACE     DS    0D     Name of dblword field - used                  
                     DS    F      Reserved                                      
SSTFUSEDSPACE        DS    F      Allocated space in block size units  X        
SSTFDBLFREESPACE     DS    0D     Name of dblword field - free                  
                     DS    F      Reserved                                      
SSTFFREESPACE        DS    F      Space available to unprivileged      X        
                                  users in block size units            X        
SSTFENDVER1          EQU   *      End of Version 1 SSTF                         
SSTFFSID             DS    F      File system ID (f_fsid)              X        
                                  Set by LFS                                    
SSTFFLAG             DS    0BL.32 Bit mask of f_flag vals                       
SSTFFLAGB1           DS    XL1    byte 1                                        
SSTFEXPORTED         EQU   X'40'  Filesys is exported                  X        
                                  (ST_OEEXPORTED)                      X        
                                  Set by LFS                                    
SSTFV3PROP           DS    XL1    NFS V3 Properties                             
SSTFFSF_V3RET        EQU   X'80'   V3 Prop Returned                             
SSTFFSF_CANSETTIME   EQU   X'10'   time_delta accuracy                          
SSTFFSF_HOMOGENEOUS  EQU   X'08'   Pathconf same for all                        
SSTFFSF_SYMLINK      EQU   X'02'   Supports Symlinks                            
SSTFFSF_LINK         EQU   X'01'   Supports Hard Links                          
SSTFFLAGB3           DS    XL1    byte 3                                        
SSTFFLAGB4           DS    XL1    byte 4                                        
SSTFNOSEC            EQU   X'04'  No Security checks enforced                   
SSTFNOSUID           EQU   X'02'  SetUID/SetGID not supported          X        
                                  (ST_NOSUID)                          X        
                                  Set by LFS                                    
SSTFRDONLY           EQU   X'01'  Filesys is read only                 X        
                                  (ST_RDONLY)                          X        
                                  Set by LFS                                    
SSTFMAXFILESIZE      DS    0D     Name of dblword field - maximum      X        
                                  file size                            X        
                                  May be set by LFS                             
SSTFMAXFILESIZEHW    DS    F      High word of max file size           X        
SSTFMAXFILESIZELW    DS    F      Low word of max file size            X        
                     DS    CL16   Reserved                                      
SSTFENDLFSINFO       EQU   *      End of LFS information                        
SSTFFRSIZE           DS    F      Fundamental filesystem block size    X        
                     DS    F      Reserved                                      
SSTFDBLBFREE         DS    0D     Name of dblword field -              X        
                                  total number of free blocks                   
                     DS    F      Reserved                                      
SSTFBFREE            DS    F      Total number of free blocks          X        
SSTFFILENODES        DS    0CL12  File nodes                                    
SSTFFILES            DS    F      Total number of file nodes           X        
                                  in the file system (f_files)                  
SSTFFFREE            DS    F      Total number of free file nodes      X        
SSTFFAVAIL           DS    F      Number of free file nodes available  X        
                                  to unprivileged users (f_favail)              
SSTFNAMEMAX          DS    F      Maximum file name len (f_namemax)             
SSTFINVARSEC         DS    F      Number of seconds file system        X        
                                  will remain unchanged                X        
SSTFTIME_DELTA       DS    0CL8   Set file time granularity                     
SSTFTIME_DELTA_SEC   DS    F        Seconds                                     
SSTFTIME_DELTA_NS    DS    F        Nano-seconds                                
                     DS    CL12   Reserved                                      
SSTF#LENGTH          EQU   *-SSTF Length of this structure                      
SSTF#MINLEN          EQU   SSTFENDVER1-SSTF                                     
SSTF#LFSLEN          EQU   SSTFENDLFSINFO-SSTF