BPXYSINF — Map SIGINFO_T structure

DSECT (SIGINFO_T) will be generated with either DSECT=NO or DSECT=YES. If DSECT=NO is specified, you may need an additional DSECT / CSECT statement to return to the current DSECT or CSECT. AMODE 31 callers use BPXYSINF — Map SIGINFO_T structure.

            SYSSTATE AMODE64=YES                                                
            BPXYSINF   ,                                                        
** BPXYSINF: siginfo_t Structure                                                
**  Used By: waitid                                                             
SIGINFO_T            DSECT ,      Siginfo_t structure                           
SI_SIGNO             DS    F      signal number                                 
SI_ERRNO             DS    F      error number                                  
SI_CODE              DS    F      signal code                                   
SI_PID               DS    F      sending process ID                            
SI_UID               DS    F      real user ID of sending process               
SI_RES01             DS    F      reserved in 64 bit mode                       
SI_STATUS            DS    F      exit value or signal                          
SI_RES02             DS    F      reserved in 64 bit mode                       
SI_RES03             DS    F      reserved in 64 bit mode                       
SI_RES04             DS    F      reserved in 64 bit mode                       
SI_ADDR              DS    AD     address of faulting instruction               
SI_BAND              DS    FD     band event for SIGPOLL                        
SI_VALUE             DS    FD     signal value                                  
SIGINFO#LENGTH       EQU *-SIGINFO_T Length of this DSECT