BPXYSIGH — Signal constants

BPXYSIGH is composed of only EQUates. DSECT= is allowed but ignored.
            BPXYSIGH   ,                                                        
** BPXYSIGH: Component signal definition                                        
**  Used By: KIL SIA SPM                                                        
* Signals with default action ABNORMAL TERMINATION                              
SIGHUP#    EQU   1   Hangup detected on controlling terminal                    
SIGINT#    EQU   2   Interactive attention                                      
SIGABRT#   EQU   3   Abnormal termination                                       
SIGILL#    EQU   4   Detection of an incorrect hardware instruction             
SIGPOLL#   EQU   5   Pollable event                                             
SIGURG#    EQU   6   High bandwidth data is available at a socket               
SIGFPE#    EQU   8   Erroneous arithmetic operation, such as division           
*                    by zero of an operation resulting in overflow              
SIGKILL#   EQU   9   Termination (cannot be caught or ignored)                  
SIGBUS#    EQU  10   Bus error                                                  
SIGSEGV#   EQU  11   Detection of an incorrect memory reference                 
SIGSYS#    EQU  12   Bad System Call                                            
SIGPIPE#   EQU  13   Write on a pipe with no readers                            
SIGALRM#   EQU  14   Timeout                                                    
SIGTERM#   EQU  15   Termination                                                
SIGUSR1#   EQU  16   Reserved as application-defined signal 1                   
SIGUSR2#   EQU  17   Reserved as application-defined signal 2                   
SIGABND#   EQU  18   Abend                                                      
SIGQUIT#   EQU  24   Interactive termination                                    
SIGTRAP#   EQU  26   Trap used by the ptrace call                               
SIGXCPU#   EQU  29   CPU time limit exceeded                                    
SIGXFSZ#   EQU  30   File size limit exceeded                                   
SIGVTALRM# EQU  31   Virtual timer expired                                      
SIGPROF#   EQU  32   Profiling timer expired                                    
SIGDANGER# EQU  33   Shutdown Imminent                                          
* Signals with default action of CONTINUE                                       
* Signals with default action IGNORE THE SIGNAL                                 
SIGNULL#   EQU   0   Null - no signal sent                                      
SIGCHLD#   EQU  20   Child process terminated or stopped                        
SIGIO#     EQU  23   Completion of input or output                              
SIGIOER#   EQU  27   Input or Output Error                                      
SIGWINCH#  EQU  28   Change size of window                                      
SIGTRACE#  EQU  37   Trace the target process                                   
SIGDUMP#   EQU  39   Take a SYSMDUMP                                            
* Signals with default action STOP                                              
SIGSTOP#   EQU   7   Stop (cannot be caught or ignored)                         
SIGTTIN#   EQU  21   Read from a control terminal attempted by a                
*                    member of a background process group                       
SIGTTOU#   EQU  22   Write from a control terminal attempted by a               
*                    member of a background process group                       
SIGTSTP#   EQU  25   Interactive stop                                           
SIGTHSTOP# EQU  34   Thread stop (cannot be caught or blocked or                
*                    ignored)                                                   
* Signals with default action CONTINUE IF IT IS CURRENTLY STOPPED,              
*                             OTHERWISE IGNORE THE SIGNAL                       
SIGCONT#   EQU  19   Continue if stopped                                        
SIGTHCONT# EQU  35   Thread continue (cannot be caught or blocked or            
*                    ignored)                                                   
** Equates   that define sa_handler values on Sigaction()                       
SIG_DFL#   EQU   0   Default signal action                                      
SIG_IGN#   EQU   1   Ignore signal action                                       
** Constants that define sa_flags   values on Sigaction()                       
SA_FLAGS_DFT#  EQU X'00000000'  Default sa_flags                                
SA_NOCLDSTOP#  EQU X'80000000'  No SIGCHLD when children stop                   
SA_OLD_STYLE#  EQU X'40000000'  Old style signal() function                     
SA_ONSTACK#    EQU X'20000000'  Deliver on alternate stack                      
SA_RESETHAND#  EQU X'10000000'  Reset action on delivery                        
SA_RESTART#    EQU X'08000000'  Restart interruptible funcs                     
SA_SIGINFO#    EQU X'04000000'  Pass siginfo to catcher                         
SA_NOCLDWAIT#  EQU X'02000000'  Don't create zombie on exit                     
SA_NODEFER#    EQU X'01000000'  Don't block signal on delivery                  
SA_IGNORE#     EQU X'00000001'  Act as though sa_handler contained              
*                               SIG_IGN#                                        
** Constants that define how parameter on sigprocmask()                         
SIG_BLOCK#      EQU    0  Block signals set on in New_signal_mask               
SIG_UNBLOCK#    EQU    1  Unblock signals set on in New_signal_mask             
SIG_SETMASK#    EQU    2  Set signal mask to New_signal_mask                    
** Constants that define the lower two bytes of the Signal_Options  *           
** on the BPX1KIL and BPX1PTK syscalls.  If a signal generated with *           
** one or more of these flags is handled by the Signal Interface    *           
** Routine, the flags will appear in the PpsdKilOpts field upon     *           
** delivery of said signal.                                                     
** When the lower two bytes contain x'1000' (SIG_CONSCANCEL#) the   *           
** upper two bytes will contain the SIGCNCL type qualifier                      
SIG_FLAGS_DFT#     EQU  X'0000' Default options                                 
SIG_PTRACEBYPASS#  EQU  X'8000' Bypass ptrace processing                        
SIG_KERNSICODE#    EQU  X'4000' z/OS UNIX kernel set si_code                    
SIG_APPLSICODE#    EQU  X'2000' Application set si_code                         
SIG_CONSCANCEL#    EQU  X'1000' Console (MODIFY) cancel thread                  
** Constants that define si_codes which are passed in the upper two *           
** bytes of the Signal_Options on the BPX1KIL and BPX1PTK syscalls  *           
** If a signal generated with a si_code is handled by the Signal    *           
** Interface Routine the si_code will appear in the PpsdKilData     *           
** field upon delivery of said signal.                                          
ILL_ILLOPC#     EQU   11  Illegal opcode                                        
ILL_ILLOPN#     EQU   12  Illegal operand                                       
ILL_ILLADR#     EQU   13  Illegal addressing mode                               
ILL_ILLTRP#     EQU   14  Illegal trap                                          
ILL_PRVOPC#     EQU   15  Privileged opcode                                     
ILL_PRVREG#     EQU   16  Privileged register                                   
ILL_COPROC#     EQU   17  Coprocessor error                                     
ILL_BADSTK#     EQU   18  Internal stack error                                  
ILL_EXECUTE#    EQU   19  Execute exception                                     
ILL_ILLSPEC#    EQU   20  Specification exception                               
FPE_INTDIV#     EQU   31  Integer divide by zero                                
FPE_INTOVF#     EQU   32  Integer overflow                                      
FPE_FLTDIV#     EQU   33  Floating point divide by zero                         
FPE_FLTOVF#     EQU   34  Floating point overflow                               
FPE_FLTUND#     EQU   35  Floating point underflow                              
FPE_FLTRES#     EQU   36  Floating point inexact result                         
FPE_FLTINV#     EQU   37  Invalid floating point operation                      
FPE_FLTSUB#     EQU   38  Subscript out of range                                
FPE_FLTSIG#     EQU   39  Floating point significance exception                 
FPE_DECDATA#    EQU   40  Decimal data exception                                
FPE_DECDIV#     EQU   41  Decimal divide by zero                                
FPE_DECOVF#     EQU   42  Decimal overflow                                      
FPE_UNKWN#      EQU   43  Undetermined exception                                
SEGV_MAPERR#    EQU   51  Address not mapped to object                          
SEGV_ACCERR#    EQU   52  Invalid permissions for mapped object                 
SEGV_PROTECT#   EQU   53  Invalid key access                                    
SEGV_ADDRESS#   EQU   54  Invalid address                                       
BUS_ADRALN#     EQU   71  Invalid address alignment                             
BUS_ADRERR#     EQU   72  Non-existent physical address                         
BUS_OBJERR#     EQU   73  Object specific hardware error                        
TRAP_BRKPT#     EQU   91  Process breakpoint                                    
TRAP_TRACE#     EQU   92  Process trace trap                                    
CLD_EXITED#     EQU  101  Child has exited                                      
CLD_KILLED#     EQU  102  Child was killed                                      
CLD_DUMPED#     EQU  103  Child was terminated abnormally                       
CLD_TRAPPED#    EQU  104  Traced child has trapped                              
CLD_STOPPED#    EQU  105  Child has stopped                                     
CLD_CONTINUED#  EQU  106  Stopped child was continued                           
POLL_IN#        EQU  111  Data input available                                  
POLL_OUT#       EQU  112  Output buffers available                              
POLL_MSG#       EQU  113  Input message available                               
POLL_ERR#       EQU  114  I/O error                                             
POLL_PRI#       EQU  115  High priority input available                         
POLL_HUP#       EQU  116  Device disconnected                                   
ABND_REAL#      EQU  170  Abend Real                                            
SI_ASYNCIO#     EQU  175  Completion of an asynchronous I/O                     
SI_QUEUE#       EQU  176  Signal sent by sigqueue()                             
** Equate for BPX1STW (sigtimedwait) syscall that when specified    *           
** for the "Seconds" parameter indicates not to timeout while       *           
** waiting for signal(s).                                           *           
SIG#NO_TIMEOUT  EQU  X'7FFFFFFF'