BPXYSHM—Map interprocess communication shared memory segments

AMODE 64 callers use BPXYSHM—Map interprocess communication shared memory segments.

            BPXYSHM    ,                                                        
** BPXYSHM: Interprocess Communications Permission                              
**  Used By: XMC                                                                
SHMID_DS             DSECT ,      SHMID_DS - shmctl structure                   
SHM_PERM             DS    CL(IPC#LENGTH)   Mapped by BPXYIPC                   
SHM_SEGSZ            DS    F      size of segment in bytes                      
SHM_LPID             DS    F      process ID of last operation                  
SHM_CPID             DS    F      process ID of creator                         
SHM_NATTCH           DS    F      number of current attaches                    
SHM_ATIME            DS    F      time of last shmat                            
SHM_DTIME            DS    F      time of last shmdt                            
SHM_CTIME            DS    F      time of last change shmget/shmctl             
* Mode bits (mapped over S_TYPE in BPXYMODE):                                   
SHM_RDONLY           EQU   1      Attach read-only (else read-write)            
SHM_RND              EQU   2      Round attach address to SHMLBA                
SHMLBA               EQU   4096   Rounding boundary                             
SHM#LENGTH           EQU   *-SHMID_DS   Length of this DSECT