BPXYMTM — Map the modes for mount and unmount

            BPXYMTM    ,                                                        
** BPXYMTM:  File system mount/unmount modes                                    
**  Used By: MNT UMT                                                            
MTM                  DSECT ,                                                    
MTM1                 DS    B     Flag byte 1                                    
MTMRO                EQU   X'80' Mount file set read-only                       
MTMRDWR              EQU   X'40' Mount file set read/write                      
MTMDDNAME            EQU   X'20' FileSet is a DDName                            
MTMUMOUNT            EQU   X'10' This is a normal unmount request.              
*                                If no one is using any of the files            
*                                in the named filesystem, the unmount           
*                                will be done.  Otherwise, the request          
*                                will be rejected.                              
MTMIMMED             EQU   X'08' This is an unmount immediate request.          
*                                The filesystem will be unmounted               
*                                immediately, forcing any users of any          
*                                files in the named filesystem to fail.         
*                                All data changes that were made up to          
*                                the time of the request will be saved.         
*                                If there is a problem saving the data,         
*                                the unmount request will fail.                 
MTMFORCE             EQU   X'04' This is an unmount force request.              
*                                The filesystem will be unmounted               
*                                immediately, forcing any users of any          
*                                files in the named filesystem to fail.         
*                                All data changes that were made up to          
*                                the time of the request will be saved.         
*                                If there is a problem saving the data,         
*                                the request will continue and data may         
*                                be lost.  Since data may be lost,              
*                                before a forced request will be                
*                                allowed, a previous immediate unmount          
*                                request must have been attempted, or           
*                                the request will be rejected.                  
MTMDRAIN             EQU   X'02' This is an unmount drain request.              
*                                The requestor is willing to wait for           
*                                all uses of this filesystem to be              
*                                normally terminated and the                    
*                                filesystem to be unmounted.                    
MTMRESET             EQU   X'01' This is a reset unmount request.  This         
*                                will allow a previous unmount drain            
*                                request to be stopped.                         
MTM2                 DS    B     Flag byte 2                                    
MTM2RES80            EQU   X'80' Must not be used                               
MTM2RES40            EQU   X'40' Must not be used                               
MTMTERMUNMOUNT       EQU   X'20' Unmount from PFS term                          
MTMSAMEMODE          EQU   X'10' Remount in same mode                           
MTMMNTINCOMP         EQU   X'08' Mount is incomplete                            
MTMUNQSEFORCE        EQU   X'04' Force this unquiesce request, even             
*                                if the requester process is not                
*                                the process that made the quiesce              
*                                request.                                       
MTM2RES02            EQU   X'02' Must not be used                               
MTM2RES01            EQU   X'01' Must not be used                               
MTM3                 DS    B     Flag byte 3 - reserved                         
MTM3RES80            EQU   X'80' Must not be used                               
MTM3RES40            EQU   X'40' Must not be used                               
MTM3RES20            EQU   X'20' Must not be used                               
MTM3RES10            EQU   X'10' Must not be used                               
MTM3RES08            EQU   X'08' Must not be used                               
MTMNOSUID            EQU   X'04' Dont allow setuid                              
MTMSYNCHONLY         EQU   X'02' Mount must be completed                        
*                                synchronously.  That is, mount()               
*                                must not return +1                             
MTMREMOUNT           EQU   X'01' Change attributes of mounted file              
*                                system                                         
MTM4                 DS    B     Flag byte 4 - reserved                         
MTMNOSEC             EQU   X'80' NoSecurity option                              
MTM4RES40            EQU   X'40' Must not be used                               
MTM4RES20            EQU   X'20' Must not be used                               
MTMAMOVE             EQU   X'10' Automove option                                
*                                BPX2MNT/BPX4MNT use only                       
MTMAUNMOUNT          EQU   X'08' UnMount during recovery                        
*                                BPX2MNT/BPX4MNT use only                       
MTM4RES08            EQU   X'08' Must not be used                               
MTM4RES04            EQU   X'04' Must not be used                               
MTM4RES02            EQU   X'02' Must not be used                               
MTM#LENGTH           EQU   *-MTM Length of this structure                       
* MTM#MOUNTTEST defines the valid MTM bit settings for the BPX1MNT              
* interface                                                                     
MTM#MOUNTTEST        EQU   X'C0000680'