BPX4WLM (__WLM) example

The following code connects to WLM as a work manager for the WEB subsystem type and WEB1 subsystem name. For the callable service, see __wlm (BPX1WLM, BPX4WLM) — WLM interface service. AMODE 31 callers use BPX1WLM (__WLM) example.
         LA    R8,BUFFERA            Storage for _WWC                   
         USING _WWC,R8               WLM_CONNECT_WORKMGR DSECT          
         STG    R8,INARGLISTPTR       ->_WWC list of parameters         
         MVC   SUBSYSTYPE,=CL4'WEB '  WEB Subsystem Type                
         MVC   SUBSYSNAME,=CL8'WEB1    '  WEB1 Subsystem Name           
         LA    R15,SUBSYSTYPE                                           
         STG   R15,_WWC_SUB_SYS      Pointer to Subsystem Type          
         LA    R15,SUBSYSNAME                                           
         STG   R15,_WWC_SUB_SYS_NM   Pointer to Subsystem Name          
         SPACE ,                                                        
         CALL  BPX4WLM,              work_load_manager system call     +
               (=A(WLM_CONNECT_WORKMGR), Input: Fcn Codes in BPXYWLM   +
               INARGLISTPTR,         Input: ->list of parameters       +
               RETVAL,               Return value: Varies with fcn code+
               RETCODE,              Return code                       +
               RSNCODE),             Reason code                       +
               MF=(E,PLIST)          ---------------------------------- 
         DROP  R8