BPX1RDL (readlink) example

The following code reads the contents of symbolic link /personnel/templink into the buffer provided. This will be the pathname that was specified when the symbolic link was defined. For the callable service, see readlink (BPX1RDL, BPX4RDL) — Read the value of a symbolic link. AMODE 64 callers use BPX4RDL (readlink) example.
         MVC   BUFFERB(19),=CL19'/personnel/templink'                   
         MVC   BUFLENB,=F'19'                                           
         LA    R15,BUFFERA                                              
         ST    R15,BUFA                                                 
         MVC   BUFLENA,=F'1023'                                         
         SPACE ,                                                        
         CALL  BPX1RDL,              Read the value of a symbolic link +
               (BUFLENB,             Input: Linkname length            +
               BUFFERB,              Input: Link name                  +
               BUFLENA,              Input: Buffer size - 1023         +
               BUFA,                 ->Buffer for symbolic link        +
               RETVAL,               Return value: 0, -1 or char count +
               RETCODE,              Return code                       +
               RSNCODE),             Reason code                       +
               VL,MF=(E,PLIST)       ----------------------------------