BPX1GPS (w_getpsent) example

The following code gets process data associated with the first relative process (PROCTOK=0) to which the caller is authorized access (by the security access facility). For the callable service, see w_getpsent (BPX1GPS) — Get process data. For the data structure, see BPXYPGPS — Map the response structure for w_getpsent.
         LA    R15,PGPS              Getmain area mapped by BPXYPGPS    
         ST    R15,PGPSA             Hold pointer to this area          
         XC    PROCTOK,PROCTOK       First relative process (Zero)      
         LA    R2,PGPSCONTTYBUF      Controlling TTY  ->buffer          
         ST    R2,PGPSCONTTYPTR                       Store into PGPS   
         MVC   PGPSCONTTYBLEN,=A(L'PGPSCONTTYBUF)     Length            
         LA    R2,PGPSPATHBUF        Pathname         ->buffer          
         ST    R2,PGPSPATHPTR                         Store into PGPS   
         MVC   PGPSPATHBLEN,=A(L'PGPSPATHBUF)         Length            
         LA    R2,PGPSCMDBUF         Command          ->buffer          
         ST    R2,PGPSCMDPTR                          Store into PGPS   
         MVC   PGPSCMDBLEN,=A(L'PGPSCMDBUF)           Length            
         SPACE ,                                                        
         CALL  BPX1GPS,              Get process data                  +
               (PROCTOK,             Input: Relative process token     +
               PGPSL,                Input: Length of buffer needed    +
               PGPSA,                I/O: ->Buffer, mapped by BPXYPGPS +
               RETVAL,               Return value: -1, 0, next proctok +
               RETCODE,              Return code                       +
               RSNCODE),             Reason code                       +
               VL,MF=(E,PLIST)       ---------------------------------- 
         SPACE ,                                                        
         ICM   R15,B'1111',RETVAL    Test Return value: 0 or -1         
         ST    R15,PROCTOK           The next relative process token    
         BZ    PSEUDO                RETVAL = 0, end of file            
         BM    PSEUDO                RETVAL < 0, error                  
         BP    PSEUDO                RETVAL > 0, next logical process