BPX1ANR (accept_and_recv) example

The following code accepts a connection and reads the first block of data from a client. The new socket's descriptor, the peer's remote address and the caller's local address are also returned. SOCKDESC was previously set by a call to BPX1SOC. ACPSOCK must be set to -1 and the system will assign a new descriptor for the accepted connection in this parameter. A bind and a listen must also have been previously done. The SOCKADDR was built by the call to BPX1BND. For the callable service, see accept_and_recv (BPX1ANR, BPX4ANR) — Accept a connection and receive the first block of data. For the data structure, see BPXYSOCK — Map SOCKADDR structure and constants. AMODE 64 callers use BPX4ANR (accept_and_recv) example.
         L     R8,=XL4'FFFFFFFF'     Set ACPSOCK = -1                   
         ST    R8,ACPSOCK                                               
         CALL  BPX1ANR,              Accept_and_receive request        +
               (SOCKDESC,            Input: Socket descriptor          +
               ACPSOCK,              Input: -1 Output: accepted soc des+
               SOCK#LEN+SOCK_SUN#LEN, Input/Output: Len of Remote_addr +
               RSOCKADR,             Input: Remote sockaddr structure  +
               SOCK#LEN+SOCK_SUN#LEN, Input/Output: Len of Local_addr  +
               LSOCKADR,             Input: Local sockaddr structure   +
               =A(L'BUFFERA),        Input: Length of the buffer       +
               BUFFERA,              Input/Output: Addr of the buffer  +
               PRIMARYALET,          Input: Alet of the buffer         +
               RETVAL,               Return value: -1 or num bytes recd+
               RETCODE,              Return code                       +
               RSNCODE),             Reason code                       +
               VL,MF=(E,PLIST)       ---------------------------------- 
         L     R2,RETVAL                                                
         ST    R2,BYTERECD              Store number of bytes received