HLASM Programmer's Guide
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Diagnostic cross reference and assembler summary

HLASM Programmer's Guide

This section of the listing summarizes the error diagnostic messages issued during the assembly, and provides statistics about the assembly.

The sample listing shown in Figure 1 contains a combination of z/OS and CMS data sets to show examples of the differences in data set information.

Note: For a complete list of the diagnostic messages issued by the assembler, see High Level Assembler messages.
Figure 1. Diagnostic cross reference and assembler summary
                                  Diagnostic Cross Reference and Assembler Summary                             Page    9
                                                                                            &relname;  &reldate;
Statements Flagged
          1     1(P1,0), 3(P1,3), 4(P1,4), 5(P1,5), 6(P1,6), 7(P1,7), 8(P1,8), 170(L3:DCBD,2149)
    2   8 Statements Flagged in this Assembly       16 was Highest Severity Code High Level Assembler, 5696-234, RELEASE 6.0    3 
SYSTEM: CMS 16                     JOBNAME: (NOJOB)     STEPNAME: (NOSTEP)   PROCSTEP: (NOPROC)   4 
Datasets Allocated for this Assembly   5 
 Con DDname   Data Set Name                                Volume  Member
   A1 ASMAOPT  XITDIS   OPTIONS  A1                         ADISK
   P1 SYSIN    XITDIS   ASSEMBLE A1                         ADISK
   L1 SYSLIB   TEST     MACLIB   A1                         ADISK
   L2          DSECT    MACLIB   A1                         ADISK
   L3          OSMACRO  MACLIB   S2                         MNT190
   L4          OSMACRO1 MACLIB   S2                         MNT190
 6    SYSLIN   XITDIS   TEXT     A1                         ADISK
      SYSPRINT XITDIS   LISTING  A1                         ADISK  

External Function Statistics   7 
 ----Calls----  Message   Highest  Function
  SETAF   SETCF    Count  Severity  Name      
3       1        5      22    MSG      
1       0        2       8    MSG1      
1       0        1       0    MSG2
Input/Output Exit Statistics 
Exit Type  Name      Calls  ---Records---  Diagnostic
                             Added Deleted  Messages 
LIBRARY    CTLXIT      258      0       0        2 
LISTING    ASMAXPRT    195      0      52        0
Suppressed Message Summary 
Message     Count   Message     Count   Message     Count   Message     Count   Message     Count
   169        0        306        0        309        0        320        0
 10  622K allocated to Buffer Pool,
 11   16 Primary Input Records Read   13  3072 Library Records Read                  0 Work File Reads
 12    1 ASMAOPT Records Read         14   141 Primary Print Records Written         0 Work File Writes
 15    2 Punch Records Written        16     0 ADATA Records Written 
Assembly Start Time: 12.06.06 Stop Time: 12.06.07 Processor Time:   17 
Return Code 016
The statement number of a statement that causes an error message, or contains an MNOTE instruction, appears in this list. Flagged statements are shown in either of two formats. When assembler option FLAG(NORECORD) is specified, only the statement number is shown. When assembler option FLAG(RECORD) is specified, the format is: statement(dsnum:member,record), where:
is the statement number as shown in the source and object section of the listing.
is the value applied to the source or library data set, showing the type of input file and the concatenation number. "P" indicates the statement was read from the primary input source, and "L" indicates the statement was read from a library. This value is cross-referenced to the input data sets listed under the sub-heading "Datasets Allocated for this Assembly"  5 .
is the name of the macro from which the statement was read. On z/OS, this can also be the name of a partitioned data set member that is included in the primary input (SYSIN) concatenation.
is the relative record number from the start of the data set or member which contains the flagged statement.
The number of statements flagged, and the highest non-zero severity code of all messages issued. The highest severity code is equal to the assembler return code.
If no statements are flagged, the following statement is printed:
No Statements Flagged in this Assembly

If the assembly completes with a non-zero return code, and there are no flagged statements, it indicates there is a diagnostic message in the Option Summary section of the listing (see Figure 1).

For a complete discussion of how error messages and MNOTEs are handled, see Diagnosing assembly errors.

The current release of High Level Assembler and the last PTF applied.
Provides information about the system on which the assembly was run. This information is:
  • The name and level of the operating system used to run the assembly.
  • The job name for the assembly job. If the job name is not available, "(NOJOB)" is printed.
  • The step name for the assembly job. If the step name is not available, "(NOSTEP)" is printed.
  • The procedure name for the assembly job. If the procedure name is not available, "(NOPROC)" is printed.
On z/OS and CMS, all data sets used in the assembly are listed by their standard ddname. The data set information includes the data set name, and the serial number of the volume containing the data set. On z/OS, the data set information can also include the name of a member of a partitioned data set (PDS) or library (PDSE).

If a user exit provides the data set information, then the data set name is the value extracted from the Exit-Specific Information block described in Exit-Specific Information Block.

The "Con" column shows the concatenation value assigned for each input data set. You use this value to cross-reference flagged statements, and macros and copy code members listed in the Macro and Copy Code Cross Reference section.

z/OS: On z/OS, the data set name for all data sets is extracted from the z/OS job file control block (JFCB). If the data set is a JES2 spool file, for example, the data set name is the name allocated by JES2. If the data set is allocated to DUMMY, or NULLFILE, the data set name is shown as NULLFILE.

CMS: On CMS, the data set name is assigned one of the values shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Data set names on CMS
File Allocated To: Data Set Name
CMS file The 8-character file name, the 8-character file type, and the 2-character file mode of the file, each separated by a space. If the data set is a disk file in the Shared File system, the volume serial number contains “** SFS”.
Dummy file (no physical I/O) DUMMY
Labeled tape file The data set name of the tape file
Unlabeled tape file TAPn, where n is a value from 0 to 9, or from A to F.
On z/VSE, the data set name is assigned one of the values shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Data set names on z/VSE
File Allocated To: Data Set Name
Disk The file-id
Job stream (SYSIPT) None
Library (Disk). The ddname is shown as *LIB*. The file-id
Printer None
Punch None
Labeled tape file The file ID of the tape file
Unlabeled tape file None
Terminal (TERM) None
Output data sets do not have a concatenation value.
The usage statistics of external functions for the assembly. The following statistics are reported:
SETAF function calls
The number of times the function was called from a SETAF assembler instruction.
SETCF function calls
The number of times the function was called from a SETCF assembler instruction.
Messages issued
The number of times the function requested that a message be issued.
Messages severity
The maximum severity for the messages issued by this function.
Function Name
The name of the external function module.
The usage statistics of the I/O exits you specified for the assembly. If you do not specify an exit, the assembler does not produce any statistics. The following statistics are reported:
Exit Type
The type of exit.
The name of the exit module as specified in the EXIT assembler option.
The number of times the exit was called.
The number of records added and deleted by the exit.
Diagnostic Messages
The number of diagnostic messages printed, as a result of exit processing.
All counts are shown right-aligned and leading zeros are suppressed, unless the count is zero.
The message number of each message specified for suppression, and the count of the number of times it was suppressed during the assembly.
The minimum storage required for an in-storage assembly.
The number of primary input records read by the assembler. This count does not include any records read or discarded by the SOURCE user exit.
The number of records read from the ASMAOPT file (z/OS and CMS) or the Librarian member (z/VSE) by the assembler.
The number of records read from the libraries allocated to SYSLIB on z/OS and CMS, or assigned to the Librarian on z/VSE. This count does not include any records read or discarded by the LIBRARY user exit.
The count of the actual number of records generated by the assembler. If you have used the SPACE n assembler instruction, the count might be less than the total number of printed and blank lines appearing in the listing. For a SPACE n that does not cause an eject, the assembler inserts n blank lines in the listing by generating n/3 triple-spaced blank records, rounded to the next lower integer if a fraction results. For a SPACE 2, no blank records are generated. The assembler does not generate a blank record to force a page eject.

This count does not include any listing records generated or discarded by the LISTING user exit.

The number of object records written. This count does not include any object records generated or discarded by the OBJECT or PUNCH user exits.
The number of ADATA records written to the associated data file.
On z/VSE, the assembly start and stop times in hours, minutes, and seconds.

On z/OS and CMS, the assembly start and stop times in hours, minutes, and seconds and the approximate amount of processor time used for the assembly, in hours, minutes, and seconds to four decimal places.

The assembly start time does not include the time used during assembly initialization, which allocates main storage and data sets and processes the assembler invocation parameters. The assembly stop time does not include the time used during assembly termination, which deallocates main storage and data sets.

On z/OS and CMS, High Level Assembler provides a sample listing exit which allows you to suppress the Diagnostic Cross Reference and Assembler Summary. See Sample LISTING user exit (z/OS and CMS).

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