Using the QUERY command to obtain fast replication information

Table 1 describes the QUERY command parameters that you can use to obtain information about the fast replication functions.
Table 1. QUERY command parameters used to obtain information about fast replication functions
Parameter Description of use

When you use the COPYPOOL(cpname) parameter, DFSMShsm returns message ARC1820I for each version that has one or more source volumes in a FlashCopy® relationship. If there are no outstanding relationships, DFSMShsm returns the ARC1821I message. For FlashCopy version 2, the source volume can be in more than one relationship. When using FlashCopy version 1, this command can be used to determine if another backup version can be created. This command can also be used to determine when all FlashCopy relationships are complete, so that a recovery can be performed. When you query a copy pool with an incremental version, only the versions with an active background copy are listed.

When the FlashCopy technique (such as fast reverse restore or incremental) establishes a full-volume FlashCopy relationship, or when SETSYS FASTREPLICATION(FCRELATION(FULL)) has been specified, message ARC1820I will display "background copy percent-complete information" (PCT-COMP) for each full-volume FlashCopy pair. Three asterisks ("***") indicate percent-complete information is not available. The percent-complete information (the percentage) can be used to determine how far along the background copy is. Depending on the percent-complete information, you can decide whether to use fast reverse restore immediately, and reduce recovery time, or wait for the background copy to complete in order to use regular fast replication recovery and preserve the DASD backup version.

If SnapShot is the fast replication utility, then the QUERY COPYPOOL(cpname) command is of no value. If you issue this command, DFSMShsm will indicate that there are no outstanding FlashCopy relationships.


When you use the ACTIVE parameter, DFSMShsm lists two messages that relate to fast replication. Message ARC1822I describes an active FRBACKUP COPYPOOL or FRRECOV COPYPOOL command. Message ARC1826I shows whether FRRECOV is HELD at the level of EOD or EOV, shows whether FRBACKUP DUMP is HELD, ACTIVE, or both, and shows whether FRRECOVER(DATASET) is HELD, ACTIVE, or both. Message ARC0162I reports active fast replication data set recovery tasks.

Note: If FRBACKUP DUMP is active, it could indicate that FRBACKUP DUMP command or FRBACKUP DUMPONLY command is active. FRBACKUP dump could run several hours before it comes to the end. Multiple FRBACKUP DUMP MWEs may still be running after FRBACKUP MWE is purged, therefore, whether FRBACKUP DUMP is active does not necessarily mean that FRBACKUP command is active. If FRRECOVER(DATASET) is active, it indicates that FRRECOV DSNAME(dsname) is being processed.

Message ARC1824I shows the number of copy pools that have not been completed by the active automatic function, and the total number of copy pools that are eligible to be processed. This message also shows the affinity and non-affinity copy pool count. Message ARC1828I shows the number of volumes for a specific copy pool that have not been processed, and the total number of volumes for this specific copy pool that are eligible to be processed by the active automatic function. ARC1828I also shows the affinity and non-affinity volumes count for the specific copy pool.


When you use the SETSYS parameter, message ARC1823I indicates the current COPYPOOL settings for backup and recovery, and FASTREPLICATION settings. Message ARC0274I indicates the MAXDSRECOVERTASKS and MAXDSTAPERECOVERTASKS value.


Individual data set recoveries from FRRECOV commands are reported together with data set restores from RECOVER commands in message ARC0641I. The number of FRRECOV DATASET commands are not recorded.


When you use either the DATASET, USER, or REQUEST parameters, DFSMShsm lists four messages that relate to fast replication. Messages ARC0162I and ARC0167I report on both the main FRRECOV DSNAME MWE and the individual data set recoveries that are derived from a FRRECOV command. Message ARC0167I displays VOLUME volser, COPY POOL=cpname waiting to be processed, data set name, and the number of MWES ahead of the present one. Message ARC1822I displays FRBACKUP DUMP or DUMPONLY MWE from COPY POOL cpname processed and waiting to be processed. The TOTAL number of MWES indicates the number of volume MWEs within same FRBACKUP command. Message ARC0161I displays the volser, copy pool name, user and request number for a volume being dumped as part of a copy pool.


When you use the WAITING parameter, DFSMShsm issues message ARC0168I to indicate the number of DFSMShsm commands waiting to be processed. The fast replication backup commands are reported in the FRBACKUP=nfrbackup field. The individual dump commands derived from an FRBACKUP DUMP or FRBACKUP DUMPONLY command are included in the BACKUP=nbackup field. The fast replication recover commands are reported in the FRRECOV=nfrrecov field. The individual data set recover commands derived from an FRRECOV DSNAME command are included in the RECOVER=nrecover field.