Combining full-volume restore with volume recovery

When combining a full-volume restore with a volume-recovery, the following considerations apply to non-SMS-managed volumes:

DFSMShsm verifies that the targeted data set has not been referred to before starting the APPLYINCREMENTAL process and the time that the data set is slated for recovery. If the data set has been referred to, the recovery fails with a return code of 67. Failing the recovery allows you to take action on any application that might have inadvertently used the old data set.

  1. DFSMShsm does not honor the APPLYINCREMENTAL subparameter if it determines that a catalog that resides on the target volume owns the target volume. This restriction avoids conflicts in the way DFSMShsm supports catalogs and data sets that are cataloged.
  2. DFSMShsm does not back up catalogs and therefore they cannot be recovered.