VOLUMES: Requesting volume statistics

Explanation: VOLUMES(volser ...) is an optional parameter requesting a volume statistics report for specified volumes or for all volumes with statistics records in the MCDS. For volser, substitute the serial number of the volume or a list of serial numbers of the volumes whose statistics you want reported.

You specify REPORT VOLUMES FUNCTION to get a list of the volume statistics for all functions for all volumes managed by DFSMShsm. You specify VOLUMES with a volume serial number to get a statistics report for a specific volume. If you do not specify the FROMDATE and TODATE parameters, you receive a statistics report only for the current date.

See Figure 1 for an example of the REPORT VOLUMES output.

Defaults: If you specify VOLUMES without volser, DFSMShsm reports statistics for all volumes that have statistics records.

Note: Any data sets that existed on a volume before you used the ADDVOL command to add the volume to DFSMShsm control are not included in the report unless DFSMShsm audited the volume just before the report and no other data sets have been allocated to the volume since the audit.

The volume report information is obtained from the volume statistics record (VSR) in the MCDS. These records are written to the MCDS each hour. Any activity that has occurred since the last update of the VSR will not be reported.