DUMPCLASS(DISABLE): Specifying the volume dump class and making it unavailable as a target of any full-volume dump

Explanation: DISABLE is an optional subparameter of DUMPCLASS specifying that a dump class be unavailable as the target of any full-volume dumps. When you specify DISABLE, DFSMShsm automatically unassigns any dump volumes that are empty and currently added to this class. The unassigned dump volumes are available for selection to any other class that uses the same unit type. Information about valid dumps remains in the BCDS, but no further dumps to this class are allowed, and no more dump volumes can be added to this class. The definition of the dump class also remains in the BCDS and the dump class definition will be shown in the LIST DUMPCLASS output.

Defaults: None.

  1. You can enable a disabled dump class by issuing a DEFINE command without specifying the DISABLE subparameter.
  2. Any other parameters specified on the same command are ignored.
  3. Use the LIST command to find any volumes that are currently assigned to a particular class.