VOLCOUNT: Allowing data sets to expand to multivolume as necessary during ARECOVER

Explanation: VOLCOUNT(ANY) is an optional parameter that affects how DFSMShsm will invoke DFSMSdss during the ARECOVER of data sets that were dumped by DFSMSdss.

ANY specifies for DFSMShsm to pass the VOLCOUNT(ANY) parameter to DFSMSdss during the ARECOVER of data dumped by DFSMSdss (L0 data sets). This parameter affects the way SMS-managed data set allocations are performed by DFSMSdss for the L0 data sets dumped from primary volumes. Refer to z/OS DFSMSdss Storage Administration for more specific information about the restrictions and limitations of the DFSMSdss VOLCOUNT parameter. The result is the allocation of the target data sets on as many volumes as required, to a maximum of 59.

The VOLCOUNT parameter is used to override the global SETSYS ABARSVOLCOUNT environment. Your current environment can be determined by issuing the QUERY ABARS command and examining the ARC6036I messages.

Defaults: None.