UNIT: Specifying unit types used for ARECOVER

Explanation: UNIT(unittype) is an optional parameter specifying the tape unit type to be allocated for the recovering of data sets. The VOLUMES parameter is required when you use UNIT.

For unittype, substitute the type of tape unit.

The following are valid types of tape units:
You can substitute an esoteric tape unit defined with the SETSYS USERUNITTABLE command. If you specify an esoteric tape unit name that does not exist in the user unit table, the command fails. If you specify:

If you define both 3592-E05 and 3592-J1A to the same esoteric group, the E05 must use the EFMT1 recording format.

You can define a 3592-E05 or 3592-J1A to the 3590-1 generic group. If so, you must ensure drive compatibility or segregation when using the 3590-1 in a non-SMS environment.

Note: When you perform an ABACKUP with the 3480X or 3490 IDRC, you must use the same tape unit (3480X or 3490 IDRC) to do a successful RECOVER. Otherwise, the data cannot be read.

Defaults: If unittype is not specified, the default is the unittype specified on the SETSYS ABARSUNITNAME command. If UNIT has not been specified with the ARECOVER command nor the SETSYS ABARSUNITNAME command, the default is 3590-1.